Sunday, March 2, 2014

Duncan bbeaten MacRae keeps saying that people only read my blog to ridicule me. Well, not this guy:

Hi Ralph

Thanks for replying. I just saw your blog posts and even went into the alt. assassination group on JFK. I am extremely disgusted at the way you are bullied, harassed and demoralized with all these other so called "researchers" only giving you cheap shots. They are disgusting human beings and aren't fit to wipe your shoes.

It's very big of you to keep posting in there. I know I couldn't keep doing it with all those taunts. I think it was a very dirty trick that somebody is posing as Vincent Bugliosi. The guy is in ill health and although I don't agree with his writings he should not be made a spectacle in a circus.

It was really your work that convinced me Oswald was innocent. Beforehand I was more of a LN because it just seemed that all these conspiracy theories were just out to make money and it was convenient to believe the Warren Report. You honed in on the area that has destroyed everything. Oswald was in the doorway. He couldn't have done it.

You are the target of a smear campaign from gutless faceless men. You are very brave to be attacked from all quarters. Keep fighting

Bobby Quattro

My thanks to Bobby Quattro. Yes, the behavior of these people is disgusting, but they should be crying not laughing. That's because the piece I wrote during the Vincent Bugliosi debacle is very good, if I do say so myself. And do you know who else says so? The guy who was pretending to be Vincent Bugliosi:

Indeed it is, Sargeant, and Jim Fetzer agrees. So, he is going to add his two-cents, and then it's going up on Veterans Today. So, I'm not bent out of shape at all. This never would have happened if not for the prank. The last open letter I wrote was to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and it made quite a splash. It was picked up and spread around. So, we'll see what happens this time. To paraphrase Bennett Marco (Frank Sinatra) in the Manchurian Candidate: we'll see what you can do, and we'll see what we can do. 

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