Sunday, March 9, 2014

I am very glad to have this collage by Dean Langridge even though I don't accept the validity of the image.  I'll admit that the top of Doorman's head matches to Lovelady and not Oswald. It is the one and only thing that matches to Lovelady and not Oswald. But, it isn't legitimate. It is a bogus image.   

Now, we know that Doorman was Oswald because he's wearing Oswald's clothes, and he has Oswald's build, and he even has Oswald's facial features, including ears, chin, nose, eyes, and mouth. But, his "cap" belongs to Lovelady. How can that be? They moved it there. They altered and falsified the image. 

Richard Hooke says that wasn't possible in 1963, but do you know who disagrees with Richard Hooke? Lee Harvey Oswald. When shown the Backyard photos, Lee said that they moved his face over to another man's body and that it was something he could do himself from having worked at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall photo lab in Dallas. 

And it was exactly the same process. Whether you move a face over to another body or move a cap over to another face, it's the exact same procedure. And when you think about it, why should it have been impossible in 1963 when it was possible in 1863?  There is a famous photo of Ulysses S. Grant sitting on a horse at an Army encampment, except it wasn't him. They superimposed his face over that of another general. That was a century earlier than the JFK assassination. 

As you can see, they actually started with an image of Major General McCrook sitting on a horse, and they moved Grant's face to it. Then they moved the whole thing, man and horse, into the larger picture.

It is absolutely essential that JFK truthers recognize that the image of Doorman was altered in having Lovelady's cap moved over. And that's because it's the one thing the opposition can point to and say, "You see: he's Lovelady." Of course, when they say that, they are deliberately ignoring all the things that match to Oswald. If you look at it geographically, Doorman is about 85% Oswald. Even so, we still have to account for that cap. And the best way to do that is to admit that it's Lovelady's and explain how it got there, through subterfuge. 

Take a close look at Dean's work again.

The top of Doorman's head is smooth and oval like Lovelady's; it isn't massive and geometric like Oswald's. The contrast between the two is vast. They couldn't be more different. That is a stark difference. Of course, the hairlines are also different. FAKE! FAKE! FAKE! We need to tell the world that, yes, there is one thing that matches to Lovelady, but it is fake.

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