Sunday, March 9, 2014

Roy Lewis in the Altgens photo is fake, and I can prove it. 

But first, you have to look at where he is in the Wiegman film. And note that the beginning of the Wiegman film coincides in time very closely with the Altgens photo. 

You can see that Roy Lewis is standing against the west wall with his right hand resting on the molding of the white column. But, Doorman is in the center of the doorway on the top landing. Big difference in locations. Now look at Altgens.

In Altgens, Roy Lewis is directly below Doorman. What happened to the space between the center of the doorway and the west wall? How could it be crammed together and reduced to practically nothing? If that is really Roy Lewis, then he would have had to have moved to the center. Notice also that Doorman's cuff is in front of Roy Lewis' neck, which is impossible because he is a great distance away from him. Doorman would have to have 12 foot arms to do that. 

Here are the Wiegman Lewis and the Altgens Lewis side by side:

It's obvious that one is peering west and the other is peering east. It's practically a 180 degree difference. And again, that cuff of Doorman's placed in front of Lewis' neck is haunting. 

The Roy Lewis of Wiegman was not visible to Altgens.

He may have overlapped that curtain line a little and been partially visible, but it would only have been his left arm. The above line of visibility is not in dispute. That is what it was. The Roy Lewis that we see in the Altgens photo was placed there, and where they got it from was the Phil Willis frame:

They pieced his face in above Doorman's cuff, and they pieced that weird shamrock-shaped form below the cuff to represent Roy Lewis' torso, and that's it. The picture on the left was taken long after the assassination when Roy Lewis was descending the steps on the east side as he was going home. 

Earlier, Doorman was behind that median handrail and Roy Lewis was snug against the west wall. So, how could this have resulted?

It couldn't have. It's FAKE, FAKE, FAKE! The Roy Lewis of the Altgens photo is an anomaly, a photographic alteration, and that's why he is listed as such on the Anomalies page of the OIC website. 

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