Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Joseph Backes is on a campaign now of casting me as a homosexual. He says that because I picked these two examples of 18 year olds to compare to Danny Arce from 11/22/63 that I must be sexually attracted to them.

In fact, I went to Google and did an image search for 18 year old boys and got this:

The two I picked were in the 2nd and 3rd rows. The way I picked them is that in their blurbs, it specifically said that they were 18 years old. Not all of them had that.

Like this one, for instance;

Of course, it doesn't matter because no matter which ones I used, Backes was going to resort to gay-baiting. What else has he got?
The point remains that Danny Arce looks older than 18 on 11/22/63.

Next, Backes calls me a racist for not liking the term African-American. It's true that I don't like the term and it's because this woman is also an African-American.

And I'll admit, Backes, that I think Charlize Theron is very attractive, but I am very content with beautiful Linda, so it's not a problem for me.

My reasoning is that since Caucasian people are still referred to as "white" and not "European-American" that the term "black" should also be acceptable, as it was for many decades.

But, Joseph Backes, who has lost EVERY battle with me- not most of them, but every single one of them, including major and minor ones, has got no other recourses but gay-baiting and race-baiting.

Then finally, Joseph Backes makes the outrageous claim that the Dallas Police habitually referred to Hispanic people as "white". That is preposterous. Racism against Hispanics in Dallas was rampant in the 1960s. Dan Molina, who worked at the TSBD, was the head of a civil rights organization in Dallas, one that worked to overcome prejudice, including police prejudice, against Hispanics.

The article below claims just the opposite, that nationally in the 1960s, the term "black" was used inclusively for all people of color.

Where is the evidence that Dallas Police referred to Hispanics as white? That's what Joseph Backes claimed, and I say he pulled it out his ass.

So, you provide some reference for that, Backes. Provide a link. Do it now. Because as things stand, it only shows that you are a liar, that you said it without the slightest factual basis. 

I DEMAND to see a reference for it, as I am accusing you of making it up.




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