Monday, April 21, 2014

The first and second pass Doormen in the Wiegman film were definitely different men. How do we know? We know from this collage. And below it, I have pasted text from the OIC website:

But now, let's compare the Wiegman film to the Altgens photo in regard to the Doormen. First, be aware that there are two Wiegman Doormen. The first appears for one full second, and it's the very first second of the film. The second appears for just a tiny split-second, and it's during the 4th second of the film. Here they are, the two Wiegman Doormen, with the first on the left and the second on the right:

Notice that Doorman1 on the left looks slender while Doorman2 on the right looks stocky. Doorman1 has hair; Doorman 2 looks bald. Their shirt sprawls are very different, one being v-shaped, the other r-shaped. D1 has a rectangular-shaped head; D2 has an oval-shaped head. D1 looks gaunt in the face; D2 looks cherubic. They are definitely not the same man, and the one on the left was Lee Harvey Oswald. There is no telling who the other one was. But, there is no good reason to believe that D2 was even there. Oswald left for the lunch room by that point, and his spot was empty. The image of Doorman2 was added to the film. He isn't real. The fact that he doesn't match Doorman1 tells you that he isn't real. Also, the fact that he is standing there looking straight ahead, stiff as a board, stiff as a Cigar Store Indian, and detached from everything and everyone tells you that he isn't real.

So, Wiegman Doorman1 was real, and he was Lee Harvey Oswald, just as the Altgens Doorman was also Lee Harvey Oswald. These three below were one and the same man:

The above is from the Anomalies page of the OIC website. But, one thing I could add to it and will add to it is the behavioral aspect. Wiegman Doorman1 is turned towards and looking at JFK being slaughtered in his limo, just as others were doing, and just as we would expect. But, 3 seconds later, Wiegman Doorman2 is looking straight out the doorway in complete disconnection to the horrific event that is occurring down the street. What possible reason would Doorman have to suddenly face forward and come to attention as if he's in another world? Look at it again:

There is no accounting for that. You know what Joseph Backes tried to suggest? That Lovelady had begun the mourning process for Kennedy. So, I guess he was in some kind of Zen state.

Here is another comparison of Wiegman Doorman1 and Wiegman Doorman2:

They are definitely two different men. Their differences definitely reach the threshold of knowing that. Doorman2 was added to the film in a photographic fakery. And we have two images of Lee Harvey Oswald standing in the doorway on November 22, 1963: one from the Altgens photo and the other from the Wiegman film.

These two are two different men, and you can bcertain of it.

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