Thursday, April 17, 2014

Hey Backes! Thanks for directing people to the Amazon forum where I'm doing battle with your buddies, SV Anderson and Hank Sienzant, better known as Hank Sienfake. Both are lone-nutters (which doesn't bother Backes). Both are Ops (which doesn't bother Backes). And both are using aliases (which doesn't bother Backes).

There, we are arguing about the letters I received concerning the real identity of SV Anderson, and now, after more than a year, Anderson is claiming that he sent them. Although more than a year has passed, he has never claimed this before. And he only claimed it now because I reappeared on Amazon JFK forum. If I hadn't he would still be keeping it secret. 

I pointed something out in my last post about it which should even give Joseph Backes the Proscenium-Stuffer pause. Here it is:

Hey Andersen! You have visited my website, and you have made jokes about it. You ridiculed the picture of me running around my backyard. And you know exactly where it is located. So, why after typing a prolific 4 page typewritten letter full of very elaborate "scenerios" (he's a teacher, but he can't spell) did you mail it to the wrong street address in the wrong city????????????????????????

Supposedly, in three months time, Anderson traveled to 4 US states and the country of Brazil just to mail me letters, all while he was teaching school. 

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