Monday, April 14, 2014

Joseph Backes, who accuses me of "stealing" images off the internet, helps himself to any images of mine. I guess he figures that, being the Proscenium-Stuffer, he's entitled. 

Now, after I dared someone to find a photograph that duplicates what we see with Black Hole Man, he's offering one of mine:

No, Backes, I have a face. The lower part of my face is in bright light. The upper part of my face is in shadow, but it's not dark shadow; we can still see it. There is nothing freaky about the image. It makes perfect sense in terms of what we know about the circumstance and conditions. 

But, Black Hole Man is very different. His entire face is shrouded in complete blackness. It's like a black hole in space which allows no light to enter- hence his name. 

A small child could tell you that those images are not in parallel. They are not depicting the same thing. But, for Backes:

My face wasn't AT ALL blackened, Backes. And only part of it was in light shadow. It has no bearing whatsoever on what we see with Black Hole Man.

You're stupid, Backes, and you're wicked. And there will be a reckoning. 

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