Friday, April 18, 2014

Well, they're actually doing it. They're lining up on McAdams' forum to support bpete's ridiculous contention that this older man is a 64 year old woman.

This is really insane, and it really demonstrates how bizarre and other-worldly the whole online JFK debate has become. I am going to list the many male attributes of this figure which are offset by exactly zero female attributes. 

1) massive elbow and large, defined biceps muscle, with the elbow area being gargantuan even for a man.
2) large hand and very wide wrist, seen on his left, our right
3) very low percentage body fat: he is ultralean, even for a man   
4) broad square shoulders with no roundness or softness at all
5) either a very long protruding chin OR a goatee
6) complete absence of any female bosom
7) complete absence of female hips
8) short hair typical of a man

I have placed an x on his wrist and another x on the extension of his fingers to mark his hand.

Men, hold your hand up to your head like that, and see if your hand has a span as long as that. That figure is a man. It is clearly and indubitably a man. Now, let's consider what they said:

Tim Brennan: It is quite clear it is the Reese woman.

OhLeeRedux: Looks like Grandma Joad before the California trip.

Savonarola: Is it Chyna the female wrestler? 

That is so clearly and definitely a man, it is a frank and blatant denial of reality to say otherwise. And yet, that is what JFK assassination debate has sunk to: the childish denial of reality and the turning of everything into a joke. Wisecracks are all they have left to defend the insane idea that Oswald killed Kennedy.

These people are clowns, except that they are soaked and caked in real blood- the blood of John Kennedy, Lee Oswald, that of numerous witnesses who were killed to silence them, that of numerous investigators who were killed for the same reason, including Dorothy Kilgallen and Mary Pinchot Meyer, 57,000 Americans killed in Southeast Asia, and 3 million Southeast Asians. 

I know they're reading this, but this isn't McAdams' forum, and I can say I want. You people are scum. You people are filth. You people are monsters. And I would never mince words with you in person or withhold my contempt. So, you better hope we never meet. It won't be joke time.   


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