Monday, September 25, 2017

I have said many times that none of Oswald's interrogators ever said what Oswald said about how he got to the Texas Theater. But, the presumption has always been that he walked to 10th and Patton. However, if that were true, then Oswald could not have been going to the Texas Theater because if you look at the map, you see that he only had to walk down Beckley to Jefferson and turn right a little ways, and he would have been there. And in fact, walking east on 10th, Oswald would have been going in a direction opposite to the theater: practically 180 degrees opposite. 

So, if Oswald had traveled on foot to 10th and Patton, he had to be going somewhere other than the Texas Theater. 

But where?  Where could he have been going? David Belin of the Warren Commission said that he was going to Mexico. When it was pointed out that he only had $14 on him, Belin said that he had his pistol, and that he was going to finance his trip by holding people up- as needed. What nonsense. Based on what? And how does it pertain to 10th and Patton? Was there a bus depot or train station in the direction that he was walking? I know there wasn't a bus depot because we know where the bus depot was: it was downtown, not in Oak Cliff. And no one has ever pointed to any other mass transit in that direction that could have been his destination.   

I have said many times that you can't just pull things from out your ass and plop them down. And that's what David Belin did. 

Even speculations have to be tied to material facts. If there is no tie-in to a material fact, then you can't make the speculation. Again: I don't make the rules, but I do enforce them.

So, according to the official story, Oswald was off on foot going nowhere, at least nowhere known. Then, Tippit stops him, suspecting that he was JFK's killer. But, that makes no sense either. If Tippit suspected such a thing, the first thing he would have done is call it in. And the response probably would have been to send other units there. 

Instead, Tippit just pulled up next to him and started talking to him- from the car. But, what could he have said?

"Come here. What is your name? Where are you going? Where were you at 12:30?"

Would Tippit do that from his driver's seat? If so, what kind of cop was he? You have to think in terms of the worst case scenario, right? That this really was JFK's killer? If so, it meant that he was probably armed and was definitely extremely dangerous. Look how vulnerable Tippit was just sitting there. If they were talking, it means the passenger side window was open. What was stopping the man from pulling a gun and shooting Tippit on the spot? 

I should think that Tippit would have waited for backup before approaching the man. But, if he was going to approach him alone, I should think he would have a) gotten out of his car b) drawn his weapon and c) started by ordering Oswald to turn around with his arms and legs spread apart and patted him down for weapons.

He would assume the worst; wouldn't he? How could he do otherwise if the guy was a complete stranger to him and he suspected him of being JFK's killer?

So, the fact that Tippit pulled over and talked to the guy through the car window suggests that he did NOT suspect him of being JFK's killer.  

And then, the story goes that from talking to him, and apparently being unsatisfied with his answers, that Tippit got out. But, it was Detective Boyd who joked about the fact that a witness said that Tippit straightened out his hat, and that it was his habit to do so. But, in a life or death situation?    

So then, reportedly, Oswald shot Tippit and left the spent shells at the scene. However, multiple witnesses reported seeing a second police car show up BEFORE Tippit got shot. It came down the alley between the houses, with Tippit's car blocking the driveway. That would have been Westerbrook and Croy, although the official story has it that they didn't show up until after the shooting. 

Then, after ejecting his shells, the shooter fled down 10th Street to Jefferson and walked quite a distance down Jefferson to the theater. Then finally, he "ducked" into the theater to get off the street, supposedly sneaking in. 

I've always been uneasy about the sneaking in story. It only cost change to get in and Oswald had $14 and change on him. So, why would he sneak in? Supposedly, it was to prevent Julia Postal from getting a good look at him. But, the risk of sneaking in was far greater than the risk of her getting a good luck at him. He could have kept his head bowed. And at that point in time, she had no reason to be observant of him. And I find it equally baffling that Johnny Brewer would get so stirred up about seeing someone sneak into the theater. And not only was he stirred up about it, but he insisted that Julia Postal call the police. How was that his call? It's one thing if he tells them. But, it's their decision what to do about it. Right? 

The main thing is that Oswald supposedly got arrested for shooting and killing Tippit, but we know nothing about police questioning him about it.  Instead they were asking him about his going to Mexico City and his involvement with the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. Imagine if Lennie Briscoe did that on Law and Order

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