Friday, September 29, 2017

I have some images that were sent to me by the Wizard that I want to go over. First, notice the girth on the shooter. Jack Ruby did not have that much girth. 

That's a lot of girth. Here is an image of Ruby taken on the 25th when they were moving him to the County Jail.

Can't you see that Ruby, on the right, didn't have as much girth as the shooter?

Moving on, the Wizard sent me this comparison of Beers and Jackson. And remember, that unnamed experts said there was just .6 second between them. 

I think the Wizard is wondering about the position of the circled man in the white hat whom Denis Morissette says is Detective Leslie Montgomery. Note that Montgomery is the one who paraded the paper bag around outside. Tell me: what other time in the entire history of law enforcement have police paraded evidence around on the street?

Why did he do that? And who told him to do it? And who was he trying to impress? Reporters? The general public? But getting back to the other:

He seems closer to Oswald in Jackson (bottom) than in Beers (top). And it's very weird because in Jackson, it's mostly Montgomery's shoulder that we see and only a sliver of Graves'. 

We are dealing with greyscale here, and that is where the greyscale changes to Graves' darker suit. And I don't understand how so little of Graves' right shoulder was captured. And I challenge anyone, I defy anyone, to re-enact it and capture the same thing. I don't think it can be done. But getting back to this:
 Why would the perspective change that much between Beers and Jackson when they weren't that far apart?

So, you can see that Beers was in the corner there, but so was Jackson. Jackson claimed to have a foot up on the bumper of the car. It's not possible because the car was moving. You can see it in the KRLD footage. Start watching at 13 minutes:

So, there is no chance that Jackson had his foot up on the bumper of the car. But, if he was in that area, then he was close to Beers, and it makes the tremendous difference in perspective between their photos very perplexing. 

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