Thursday, September 21, 2017

Joseph Backes admits that Fritz got out of the way so that the shooter could have access to Oswald. And we are agreed about that, although, obviously, we disagree about who the shooter was. But regardless of who the shooter was, it makes Fritz complicit in the murder. 

So how, at midday Friday could Will Fritz be seated at the Trade Mart waiting for JFK to arrive and expecting to enjoy having a steak with him, and then less than 24 hours later be involved in killing somebody? It's not as though Will Fritz was a murderer by nature was it? 

No. Of course not. The only way Will Fritz could have been involved in doing what was done to Oswald is because it was ordered of him, and I mean from the highest and most exalted Earthly authority: the President of the United States.

Phil Nelson tells us that LBJ's henchmen, Bill Moyer and Cliff Carter, were on the phone with Fritz over a dozen times on Friday afternoon, telling him that he had his man, that no on else was involved, and that he needed to close the investigation. Now, how could they possibly know that? It's outrageous that they did that, don't you think?

Why would Fritz decide, himself, to do what he did? He wouldn't. He couldn't. He didn't. The Commander in Chief must have told him that it needed to be done because the Kennedy family and the American people needed closure, that it was important for everybody to get back to living their regular lives, that a long protracted criminal trial would paralyze the whole country, and since it was certain that the jury would convict Oswald and put him to death, that the expediting of that verdict was needed to provide relief and restore the ship of state. It was something like that.

We have been told that LBJ actually called the Parkland doctors while they were operating on Oswald. Well, if he would do that, don't you think he would call Will Fritz? 

Then, Fritz got all of his detectives involved, and I'm sure he put it to them the same way, and adding a pitch about doing it for Tippit, who must have meant more to them than JFK. 

Why were they so sure Oswald was guilty? It was the wave; the wave of conviction in that direction which swept over them as it swept over almost everybody. Wave? Make it a title wave. 

And then Hoover had to be involved too. It was his agents who assisted the Dallas Police in the plot, and it was his Agent James Bookhout who played the role of Jack Ruby.  Johnson and Hoover. They are the ones who mobilized the Dallas Police and the FBI to take out Oswald and set up Ruby to take the blame.  

You have to wonder though: alright, Oswald; they thought he was a double murderer, so that justified killing him. But, what did Ruby do to deserve the fate that he got? The men who played him and framed him were men whom he loved and admired, and they knew that he loved and admired him, that he was a DPD groupie. So, how did they justify it? I don't know, but I'm sure they consoled themselves by being nice to him, calling him "Jack," and acting like they had always acted towards him. I've read that they played cards with him to help him pass the time. But again, it was always "Jack". Good old Jack Ruby. 

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