Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Blitering Idiot Joseph Backes is wondering how I came to use this image of SV Anderson:

It comes from SV Anderson's Amazon profile. It's the only image he has ever used. And there is no other image of him anywhere else. So, it was either this or nothing, Backes. 

But, leave it to Joseph Backes to defend yet another lone-nutter. 

Ah, did I hurt your little friend's feelings? There there now.

OK, so here's the plan going forward. I am very intrigued with the possibility that the 3 letters from "HGR" were real and authentic, and the 3 that followed were damage control to steer me in a false direction. So, I am going to start analyzing HGR's 3 letters, line by painstaking line. We're going to look for signs of authenticity vs. fraud. This is going to be like a chess game: me against them. And we'll take them in chronological order starting with his letter from January 2013. Look for the first entry later this evening. It should be very interesting. 

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