Saturday, April 12, 2014

This just in from Professor James Norwood, a senior member of the Oswald Innocence Campaign. I'm glad to see that James has been following the action here about SV Anderson.


I am across some troubling background on S. V. Anderson. An Amazon poster named Derek Grimmell researched the comments posted on various product on Amazon by S.V. Anderson.
Here is Grimmell's summary:

Derek Grimmell says:

"I discovered something very interesting by looking through the 110 reviews currently chalked up by this person. First, he (or she, or they) tend to post reviews in clumps, from three to more than a dozen all on the same day, covering an astonishing array of products, such as: a hoodie; a block of kitchen knives; a hand-held scalp massager; and (my personal favorite) the Zodiac Barracuda G3 G4 replacement foot pad for a swimming pool. There's also a one-star review because someone purportedly sent him a Zone 2 copy of Old Yeller, so he bashed the movie instead of leaving negative ratings for the seller.

Oh, and in almost every clutch of posts, he puts down something about the JFK assassination.

I think what sums it up is his review of Robert Caro's 'The Passage of Power.' He gives absolutely no trace of a review of that book, but rather gives it 5 stars and talked about a lunatic-fringe serpent-people-run web site pushing that LBJ organized the killing. He praises Caro and adds: 'Whenever REAL scholars, and REAL historians pull back the curtain on conspiracy theories to reveal there is no factual basis, the cultists react like ants after a child has destroyed their ant hill. But the facts are the facts and as Caro has stated numerous times--the evidence of a Johnson-backed plot to murder Kennedy is simply too dumb to warrant a serious rebuttal.'

I smell a skunk."


Grimmell's observations may be accessed at this site:

All the best,


Thank you, James. I had noticed myself before this that SV Anderson does an awful lot of reviewing and commenting on Amazon. Just about every JFK book has a SV Anderson review. And even when he's writing about other stuff, he usually winds up talking about JFK and bashing conspiracy theorists. But, I want you to think about it from a logistical point of view. He is, supposedly, a full-time teacher, and he has a family. Then, he does all this blogging on Amazon, and he's writing all these reviews. And remember that they are often book reviews, which means, presumably, that he's spending a lot of time reading all the books. Then, he's writing long phony narrative letters to me and traveling to various states and even to Brazil in order to mail them- and all while supposedly teaching school. 

SV Anderson is an Op. That is his job, and I am sure he is paid for it, and paid well. He is also a liar because he most certainly did NOT write those letters to me.   

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