Monday, April 7, 2014

You may have heard that I am back on Amazon JFK forum. There is a specific thing that happened which brought it about, but I'm not going to say what it is. It might be useful to my enemies to know it. 

And I notice that Hank Sienfake still roams the realm. People, this Sienfake, who goes by "Hank Sienzant" is an Op. I caught him red-handed lying about his identity, claiming to be the Vice President of Customer Relations for a software company that catered to video game retailers. It struck me as weird that any company would let it's Vice President spend the whole day JFK blogging. There is a real Hank Sienzant who is the Vice President of Customer Relations for Enhanced Retail Solutions.

How do you think I found that? It's because that's who Sienfake said he was. But then, he acted like he never said a thing about it. 

Anyway, I just made a new entry on Amazon, and this is what I wrote:

"Here is the essence of what is going on here: There is a hierarchy to all this. Some evidence is of greater impotance, carries more weight, than other evidence. And do you know what evidence trumps everything else and by light years? It's the photographic evidence. It really is comical and stupid to be parsing Oswald's words- or anybody's words- when we have pictures. We don't have to rely on anybody's testimony. We have the image of Doorman, and we have numerous images of Oswald and Lovelady. We can put those images side by side and see who in hell the guy is. There is no need to do anything else. And when we do that, we see that Doorman was Oswald. For goodness sake, he's wearing Osawld's clothes. That loose-fitting, unbuttoned, sprawled-open outer shirt over the greatly exposed, notched white t-shirt was Oswald's garb. Only he was dressed like that. And that's how Doorman is dressed. Doorman's clothes are a perfect match to Oswald. Then, his stance is Oswald's stance, crossing his hands, left over right. His slender build is Oswald's build. Lovelady at the time was burly, being 5'8" and at least 170 pounds. That's pretty darn hefty. Doorman looks gaunt like he's missed some meals. He looks thin- like Oswald! And most of Doorman's facial features match Oswald as well, including the ear, the nose, the eyes, the mouth, and the chin. Doorman is so overwhelmingly Oswald, it is just plain stupid to deny it.

Do you know how much of the real evidence the photographic image comparisons comprise? 100%! For all practical purposes, there is nothing else that matters. Those image comparisons trump every other damn thing by a country mile. And the image comparisons point to Oswald in the doorway. Period. It isn't even close. We shouldn't even be debating it any more. It's over. It's finished. It's Oswald!

There is no way- in the universe that we live in- that Doorman is anyone but Lee Harvey Oswald.

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