Thursday, September 7, 2017

More sharp thinking from Amy Joyce:


You made some great points and that led me to realizations.  Hall specifically said that when Howard came to visit Ruby, "The officers produced his clothing, gave him a shirt, trousers, his shoes, and then after dressing, he went downstairs and then talked to Mr. Howard".   There was nothing wrong with Ruby's clothes since he was given them back to wear during his short visit Howard. The Cabana outfit wasn't give to Ruby until much later as specified by Agent Hall and as you have made me aware there was absolutely no reason for such a switch.  Ruby obviously had not soiled himself during the scuffle or they wouldn't have given him his own clothes to wear when visiting Howard. 

Was Oswald's underwear taken away and was he given a fresh pair?  As you said, they didn't give Oswald city jail clothing and he was there for days and for two of them he was wearing the same shirt.  Normally the transfer to county jail occurs the same day as the arrest, and that's where clothing is issued - not at the city jail.  So why were Jack Ruby's own clothes taken from him right away?  I think it's because  they didn't want anyone noticing that the clothing Jack Ruby wore that day were not the same as the shooter's clothes.  Perhaps the shirt and slacks were a different color.  We already know Ruby's socks were lighter and that Ruby also wore different shoes!

Back to Howard.  Certainly Howard would have asked Ruby what the heck had happened and certainly Ruby would have responded that he didn't remember. In the same sentence Ruby says he didn't remember anything before getting tackled, so any details regarding what happened immediately prior was obviously just a repeat of what he'd been told.  In such a short interview or any interview, Howard's words would have been "say nothing, admit to nothing, I'll be back".  And you are absolutely right!  He'd of demanded viewing any film available and it's obvious Ruby's face cannot be seen.  Since they went through a lot of trouble to set up Ruby as the shooter it isn't a surprise that his lawyer would turn out to be inept and working for the other side. This was the exact complaint by family which resulted in Howard's later dismissal.

Your observation of Ruby's calm and dazed appearance is spot on!  As seen in Davidson's film, when Ruby is brought through the jail office and to the elevator, he appears oblivious.  They walked him within a couple of feet from the dying Oswald on the floor and Ruby didn't even notice. There was no awareness or reaction in regard to the man he had allegedly just tried to kill. 

Ralph Cinque:

That's more good thinking, Amy. I especially like your thought that changing his clothes was done to prevent anyone from comparing his outfit to the shooter's. However it's interesting that they did parade him around in his own shirt, and the fact is, it was a good match to the one Bookhout was wearing. 

But, here's an interesting point. Sparta on the JFK forum tried to argue that that picture in the dark with the detectives was taken hours later, but that's impossible because it was the 3rd floor which became very crowded with reporters and photographers hours later. But, notice that Bookhout on the right does look ruffled in his hair- a remnant of his struggle in the garage with the cops. (even though it wasn't really a struggle) But, look how neat and groomed Ruby's hair looks on the left. He was definitely groomed there. And something was applied to his hair- if only water. You can see it looks slicked down, right? I don't know if he did that himself or if someone else did. But, even if he did it himself, I doubt it was his idea. I doubt he said, "Wait a second. I have to fix my hair first." So, THEY were primping him for his appearance in front of the cameras. They sure didn't do that with Oswald.  

And how interesting is it that Ruby never said anything publicly on 11/24 in front of reporters? What a contrast to Oswald. And according to the detectives, Ruby was a chatterbox with them, blustering about shooting Oswald and talking tough. What a crock o' shit. 

And about Tom Howard, his client tells him that he doesn't remember doing anything, and he doesn't even consider the possibility that he didn't????????????? That's when he should have demanded to see those films and photos and scrutinized them intensely, studying that figure and comparing him to Ruby. How in God's name did he not do that? 

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