Sunday, November 17, 2013

I watched the CBS retrospective tonight on the JFK assassination, "As It Happened". Realize that CBS has been at the forefront of the cover-up of the bloody coup of 11/22/63 since it happened. There is no media company that has been worse than them, and they've all been bad. 

It was hosted by Bob Schieffer, who is the ultimate statist journalist. He is a statist journalist, meaning a mouthpiece for the state, the way Soviet journalists were during the Soviet era.

Here's a short video about it which includes an interview of Bob Schieffer, but I'm not going to tell you it's worth sitting through the 30 second ad they make you watch first:

So, as expected, this was a pure fluff piece. They defended the Warren Report to the letter- to every dotted i and crossed t. After 50 years, they didn't budge an inch. Amazing.

They featured Dan Rather- but only from early-on and as late as 2005. But, he's still alive. I know he's retired, but I'm sure he would have been willing to appear. And I bet you he would have done it for free. So, how about it, CBS? Why were you showing us Dan Rather from 2005 when this is 2013? Let's hear what he has to say today, if you don't mind.

And just think about it: bringing Dan Rather back out would have been downright nostalgic, considering how involved he was at the time. They must have had a mighty compelling reason not to do it. Is it possible that Dan Rather isn't singing the state's tune any more?

And get this: they admitted that the majority of Americans (61%) still doubt the Warren Report. But, as usual, the way they framed it was to say that these Americans doubt that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone?

I wonder what percent of those 61% of Americans actually think that Lee Harvey Oswald didn't act at all, that he was completely innocent. But, as far as CBS is concerned, people like us, who claim that Oswald was an innocent patsy who was set up and framed, don't even exist.

But, I can tell you that they blew it. CBS really blew it. They brought out a doctor, a neurosurgeon, from Parkland Hospital who was there. They cited his name, although I can't remember what it is.
That doctor told Bob Schieffer that the President had a huge hole in his head, and brought his right hand back to the right rear of his head. He said it was a big hole and with pieces of bone and brain falling out. How does that reckon with this autopsy drawing of JFK with an intact rear skull?

This doctor made the same gesture with his fisted hand to indicate the big blow-out in the back of Kennedy’s head that the rest of the Parkland medical staff did, including both doctors and nurses. Of course, Schieffer did not acknowledge it.

And then they brought out Dale Myers, who has been a leading defender of the official story. He restated his lingo about how his computer models proved that the Single Bullet Theory is true. He told one bold-faced lie for sure. He claimed that Connally was hit at Zapruder 222. Connally’s own doctor, his surgeon, testified to the Arlen Specter of the Warren Commission that as he watches the Zapruder film, he sees Connally reacting to being hit at Z235. And that is my opinion as well.

And, as I’ve said, it is PREPOSTEROUS to think that John Kennedy had a bullet tunneling through his neck from back to front because he is way too functional and intact in the seconds that follow for that to be the case, and all the way until the fatal head shot. For goodness sake; he is sitting upright, using his arms, maintaining his posture, etc. It’s ridiculous.

They did admit that Robert Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson didn’t like each other. They didn’t use the word “hate” but they sort-of implied it. They also admitted that soon after finding out about his brother’s murder, Robert Kennedy called CIA Chief John McCone to a private meeting and asked him point-blank if the CIA had killed his brother. And McCone, of course, said no. But, it’s a curious thing that CBS chose to include that.

And they showed most all of the motorcade footage, starting at Love Field. But, one thing they left out was the Secret Service agent who had tried to ride on the floorboard of JFK’s limo but was waved off, followed by an exasperated gesture by the agent.

This was the ultimate fluff piece by the ultimate state mouthpiece: Bob Schieffer of CBS News. It was a pathetic, desperate attempt to preserve something that is going down as sure as the Titanic.

Hey Schieffer! Oswald was standing in the doorway during the shooting, and you can’t make that go away. You can ignore it, but you can’t hide from it. You’re nothing but a Lewis Prothero but without facial expressions.

Bob Schieffer is 76, so 13 years older than I am. And I hope he lives long- long enough to see this ugly dastardly state lie demolished to smithereens. We’re working on it, Bobby.

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