Thursday, November 14, 2013

There is a guy named John Kornfeind who is, apparently, a conspiracy advocate, but he is also a vehement opponent of Oswald in the doorway. He joined the OIC group page on Facebook as an "agent provocateur" to use a favorite expression of the idiot Charles Drago. And by the way, Charles Drago, the proprietor of the Deep Politics forum, like Kornfeind, also claims Oswald innocence, but Oswald somewhere else not the doorway. But, like Joseph Backes, Drago doesn't claim to know where Oswald was- just that he wasn't in the doorway.  

But, getting back to Kornfeind, he showed up on the group page to joist with me, and I gave him as much time as he deserved but no more. Then afterwards, when I found out that he was debasing me on other forums and making false statements, I wrote the following piece in response to him:

John Kornfeind has complained to Judyth Baker about my advocacy of Oswald in the doorway. Well, Judyth Baker advocates Oswald in the doorway. So, why is he complaining to her about it? Is he not aware that she advocates Oswald in the doorway? 

He also told her the clothes don't match. What? Oswald's clothes don't match Doorman's, but Lovelady's do? I ask any honest and objective person to tell me which two match in clothing and which one is the odd man out: 

Lovelady's shirt isn't even unbuttoned and sprawled open. It's cinched up except at the very top button. 

Then Kornfeind goes on to say: 

"He (Cinque) thinks that if Lee wasn't in the doorway then he was a murderer." 

Nonsense. I never said that. If Lee was not in the doorway, there is plenty of other evidence that exonerates him. He could not possibly have accomplished that shooting even if he was up on the 6th floor. But, the fact is: he was in the doorway. And we're going to use it; it's the strongest card we've got. It is the Ace of Spades in our hand. But, stop putting words in my mouth, Kornfeind. 

It's true that I believe that Oswald had no awareness of what was going to happen that day. Kornfeind denigrates that position, but hear me out about it:

The following testimony by Junior Jarman shows that Oswald did NOT know the motorcade was going to pass the TSBD that day: 

Mr. BALL - Did you talk to him again that morning? 
Mr. JARMAN - Yes, sir. I talked to him again later on that morning. 
Mr. BALL - About what time? 
Mr. JARMAN - It was between 9:30 and 10 o'clock, I believe. 
Mr. BALL - Where were you when you talked to him? 
Mr. JARMAN - In between two rows of bins. 
Mr. BALL - On what floor? 
Mr. JARMAN - On the first floor. 
Mr. BALL - And what was said by him and by you? 
Mr. JARMAN - Well, he was standing up in the window and I went to the window also, and he asked me what were the people gathering around on the corner for, and I told him that the President was supposed to pass that morning, and he asked me did I know which way he was coming, and I told him, yes; he probably come down Main and turn on Houston and then back again on Elm. Then he said, "Oh, I see," and that was all. 

Now, if you think Oswald killed Kennedy, then you might suggest that he was putting on an act for Junior Jarman in case he needed it later to deny guilt. But, if you know very well that Oswald did NOT kill Kennedy, then you also know that he had no need to set up any alibis. He had no need to put on any acts. 

The conspirators did NOT tell Oswald what was happening that day. Oswald was the patsy, and you keep the patsy in the dark. What could they possibly have told him? That they were going to kill Kennedy that day? Why would they tell him that? Why would they think he needed to know that? They had to know that he might spend some time in custody before he could be killed, so why would they endow him with incriminating knowledge against them that he could tell to police? 

And observe the fact that they let him wander around freely the last 45 minutes being seen by people reportedly as late as 12:25. Wasn't that stupid? Why didn't they have him hide out of sight? But, what reason could they possibly have given him? And then he could have reported that to the police as well. No, they took a chance on that and figured they could just deny any sightings, intimidate the witnesses, etc. But, they were not going to enlighten Oswald as to what was really going on knowing that he could spend time in police custody and squeal. As it is, he underwent 13 hours of interrogation. It might as well have been 13 days for all he could have told them. 

I maintain that Oswald did not know that motorcade was passing right by the TSBD building that day. Besides the evidence of Junior Jarman, we have the evidence of Marina Oswald. She reported that she and Lee discussed JFK's visit to Dallas the night before, and she told Lee that she wished that she could see Kennedy. But, at no time did Marina say that Lee responded by saying, "You know, JFK is going to be passing right by the Book Depository tomorrow." She didn't report it because he didn't say it. 

And why are there no reports of Buell Frazier and Lee Oswald talking about Kennedy passing their place of work? Try to imagine yourself in a car driving to work with a co-worker. If either or both of you knew that the President of the United States was going to pass the building in which you worked that day, wouldn't one or both of you say something about it? Neither did. 

Just the fact that Oswald was calmly eating his lunch in the domino room at 12;20 tells you that he didn't know that a slaughter was imminent. Could you eat knowing that in 10 minutes the leader of the free world was going to be gunned down in front of your eyes? Hey, I like to eat as much as the next guy, but that would be me right off my cheese sandwich and apple. 

Oswald was an intelligence agent, but he wasn't the kind that got involved with carnage. Why take the chance of telling him there was going to be a bloodbath, when he might not have showed up? He might have panicked and fled. He might have gone to police. He might have tried to stop it. Since he didn't have to do anything beforehand but act normal- his usual routine- why tell him? 

But, the most important reason not to tell him was because he could use it against you in police custody. Remember, he did say, "I'm just a patsy!" and I'm pretty sure he knew what the word meant. That's why they let him wander around freely the last 45 minutes before the assassination. 

Oswald was out of the loop. He was not told the truth about what was going to happen that day. I don't claim to know what he surmised, but explicit knowledge of the assassination he was not given. I don't know what they told him- they must have told him something- but it wasn't the truth.  

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