Tuesday, November 5, 2013

It is unbelievable, and I mean staggering, what Ted Olson said to Larry King on national television:

King: You were able to speak with your wife Barbara from the airplane.

Olson: Yes Larry, she called me twice. She told me the plane had been hijacked and the hijackers had herded everyone to the back of the plane, including the pilots.

Cinque: But, pilots would NEVER surrender control of their airplane to terrorists. They'd fight to their last breath. 

King: That’s amazing. I mean, did the pilots simply get up and walk to the back of the plane? I mean the Captain, Charles Burlingame -- I’m pretty sure that was his name, was described as a rugged, athletic guy. And he was a former Navy pilot. Those guys are really tough.

Cinque: Good point, Larry.

Olson: Well, Larry, all I know is what Barbara told me. But I’m sure pilots are just as afraid of cardboard box cutters as anyone else. 

Cinque: What???? And so they're going to let terrorists have control of the plane?????????  They are more afraid of cardboard box cutters than having maniacs fly the plane??????????????

Olson: And when someone points a cardboard box cutter at you, you surrender your airplane.

Cinque: No, actually, you don't, Olson, you dumb fuck. A pilot would NEVER surrender his plane!!!

Olson: After all, if they kill you, who is going to do the flying?

Cinque: What??????????? That doesn't even make sense. The question is: who is going to be flying the plane if you surrender it to the maniacs?

King:  Beats me, but how do you fly the airplane from back in coach?

Cinque: At a boy, Larry! That was perfect, except you could have added "you dumb fuck".

King: CNN reported at 2:06 AM EDT that Barbara had called you on her cell phone. That was only what, 15 ... 16, hours after her plane had crashed into the Pentagon? You got that information to us right away. Maybe because you were grieving about losing Barbara, you decided to call CNN after midnight. I’m sure you couldn’t sleep .... Then, on this show on September the 14th, we talked about the phone calls she made to you. That was lucky that she had her cell phone with her so she could call.

Cinque: What????  He waited 15 to 16 hours to report it? He was the Solicitor General of the United States of America.  So why didn't he call the White House immediately? He waited 15 to 16 hours and then called CNN????? I'm thinking that he waited 15 to 16 hours to invent the whole thing, not realizing that cell phones didn't work from planes in 2001.

The FBI declared in 2006 that Barbara Olson did not reach her husband Ted Olson by phone from the plane on 9/11.

I'll say it again:

The FBI declared in 2006 that Barbara Olson did not reach her husband Ted Olson by phone from the plane on 9/11.

Olson: I guess you could say that, lucky I mean. Because she had her cell phone, I did get to talk with her. She was so calm and in control.

Cinque: Yeah, we know all about that, Olson. They were all calm and in control. Too calm and too in control, if you ask me.

Click the link and tell me what you think. Did Ted Olson remarry his dead wife Barbara?


I don't claim to know. But, I think there is a good chance that he did, that that is her, Barbara Olson, on both sides of the screen.

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