Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I watched Frontline bio of Oswald, and what an awful thing it is. It's mostly lies. Pure propaganda. But, I am left wondering about something.  

You may know that I am a supporter of John Armstrong. I consider the Two Oswalds theory a fact. There were not only two Oswalds but two Marguerites. I believe that in the early part of this program, they mixed and mingled images of "Lee" and "Harvey." For example, Harvey did not have brothers that we know of. Lee is the one who had a brother Robert and a half-brother John. 

That had to be Lee in the middle, and you can recognize Robert on our left.

But, at the start, they showed LHO as a boy living in New York City, and they showed this picture, which was Harvey.

So, they had both LHOs displayed. But, they only showed one Marguerite- the one with whom we are familiar. But they showed her younger than we're used to seeing her. But, here is my question: 

Does this look like the mother of a 3 year old? That's what they claimed in the program, that this was Oswald's mother when he was 3 years old. And he was in the picture with her, and he looked about 3, but he was turned away from us so you couldn't see his face. 

But, just concentrate on her age. If he was 3, and he was born in 1939, then the year was 1942.

To me, she looks too old to be the mother of a 3 year old. I don't say it was biologically impossible, just unlikely. And remember that today, there are women who put off childbearing until later in life, including their 40s, but I don't believe that was the case back then. Now look at this:

On the left and right, it looks like the Marguerite we know. But, the Marguerite in the middle is a different woman- a younger and more attractive Marguerite. She was the mother of Lee, which is also to say the mother of Robert and John. This is according to John Armstrong.

According to the program, Lee, at the age of 14, independently became interested in Communism because of the execution of the Rosenbergs for espionage.  

Do you remember when you were 14? Were you interested in stuff like that? Were your friends? How likely is it that that story is true? 

I am going to have my friend Pat Shannan take a look at this, and I'll get back to to you. If you want to watch the PBS program on the life of LHO, go here:

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