Sunday, April 13, 2014

Backes is sinking into full-blown dementia. Now, he's saying that the Martin film started with the psychedelic version:

And through modern photographic processing, they were able to morph it into this:

Backes, this is even MORE ridiculous. It doesn't work; whether you go from A to B or from B to A. It's more ridiculous because you can't make more out of less. You can make less out of more, but you can't make more out of less. It is absolutely ridiculous to think that they were able to convert Psychedelic Lovelady into a normal looking one:

It doesn't work either way, right to left, or left to right. And what we see on the right is certainly NOT how it originally looked until they "enhanced" it to what we see on the left. You are full of shit, Backes. How could Lovelady have dark blue stripes over a crimson red background? That wasn't the color of his shirt. That was colorized. And why did he originally have a pink neck until they enhanced it away? You are so full of shit there is hardly any room for those proscenium arches you shove up there. 

And I told you: GARY MACK SAID THERE ARE NO VERSIONS OF THE MARTIN FILM ANYWHERE THAT INCLUDE THE LOVELADY CLIP ALONG WITH THE MOTORCADE FOOTAGE THAT MARTIN SHOT. It has nothing to do with Youtube. There is no version of the Martin film IN EXISTENCE- anywhere in the world- in which you can see them together.  

Here are the facts: that guy on the right was colorized, just like the many other JFK images that have been colorized. That clip of him had nothing whatsoever to do with Martin, as Martin's motorcade footage was of a very different photographic character and quality. And most important, that guy was most certainly not Billy Lovelady because Billy Lovelady was not there at the time. By the time that footage was taken, Billy was in the building guarding the freight elevator or giving the police a tour of the 6th floor. He was not milling around out in front. 

Backes: Psychedelic Lovelady was colorized. Colorized. Colorized. 

 And that fact I am going to ram into your brain the way you ram proscenium arches into your nether region. 

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