Sunday, April 13, 2014

I remember attending college in Michigan as a younger man and I took a class (as every undergraduate does) in psychology. My professor told our class that EVERY individual sees the world in relation to THEIR framework--be that religious, moral, psychological, athletic, educational or what have you. Meaning, a dishonest person naturally assumes that ALL people are dishonest because THEY are dishonest. A racist person assumes that ALL people are racist because THEY are racist. An immoral person assumes that ALL people are immoral because THEY are. A math teacher often makes the mistake of assuming their students understand the same theorems, functions, and procedures that THEY do since THEY live in that world. I find that talking about the Kennedy assassination with the uninitiated is often futile because names, events, terms, and locations that Kennedy assassination scholars are overly familiar with (Billy Lovelady, Dealey Plaza, Z-313,, Abraham Zapruder, James Tague, Ike Altgens, etc...) orginary people have never heard of even once in their lives.

But I digress.

Just as my psychology professor taught, YOU assume that I am not smart enough to pull off this relatively simple scam. And WHY do you assume I am too dumb? Because YOU are too dumb. You judge ME by YOUR standards, exactly as my psychology professor told us in class. Since YOU know that you couldn't figure out the logistics of this scam you incorrectly assume that I am as stupid as you are. And therein is your weakness. Not everyone in the world is a dumb as you as YOU are Cinque. I know that isn't comfortable to hear or accept but that doesn't make it any less true. I didn't like hearing that my mother had liver cancer many years ago, but my distaste for the news didn't make it any less true.

Some cud for you to chew on, Ralphie.

Ralph Cinque says:

You are dumb because the proper expression, in the context of what you were saying, was "YOU too are dumb" not "You are too dumb".

And you just admitted that you attended college in Michigan. Well, that's exactly what HGR said: "I know he attended the University of Michigan and graduated in the mid-80s (I think). He graduated very high in his class and had attended school on a full academic scholarship from some organization he would never talk about. He never would talk about who paid for his schooling."

So, if that was you writing, why did you give accurate information about where you went to college? It was a ruse, so the whole thing was a lie, so why not lie about that?

But, it's not a lie, and you just confirmed it. You've also confirmed many times that you live in a place where it snows- just like HGR said.

Andersen, you are checkmated by the fact that there was NO WAY you could tell your students about this prank, and yet you have claimed to have done so. It was a major blunder. You didn't think it through, and now you are paying the price: checkmate. Hey, if you lied about telling the students, then you lied about the whole thing! There is no doubt about that.

I'll admit one thing: it would have been VERY creative for you to have written that whole narrative of HGR, and I mean at the level of a first-rate scriptwriter. And speaking as one who has written two scripts, one of which made the finals of a major scriptwriting competition:

I can tell you that I would be very impressed with your creative writing if you had actually written HGR's letters. But, I know very well that you didn't. And yes, you are too dumb to do it. You're too dumb to even know how to lie about it, which you led you down the path of bringing all your students into the plot. Dumb, Andersen. Very dumb.

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