Saturday, April 12, 2014

Bobby Quattro responds to what Joseph Backes said about me inventing him:

Hi Ralph,

I emailed Joseph with the email you supplied. If he fails to acknowledge it which I predict you can call him out for the liar he is. Also I think you should know that Joseph Backes is no conspiracy theorist. He is a bona-fide lone-nutter that only poses as a CT because he is a government plant like SV Anderson.

The only difference is Joseph Backes steers people away from the truth of JFK research while pretending to seek "justice for Kennedy". Backes doesn't want anyone near the truth. Joseph knows it's Oswald in the doorway but that would blow everything away. That's why he goes hard on you. It's the only legitimate research that gets to the crux of the issue. Joseph profits off his fake CT stance by playing the poor "I don't get paid for this" phony research. That's just a bit on the side for the government OP payments he receives.

SV Anderson is dangerous. I've heard that he has friends at the Tax Office to cause problems for people who cause trouble in debating JFK.


Bobby Quattro

Thank you, Bobby. And I'm glad to know that you emailed the idiot Backes. But now watch: the God-damn fool is likely to accuse me of setting up your email account just to keep the diabolical plot going. 

You were wrong, Backes. Face it. And do you know what you are supposed to do now if you were a real man? Apologize!

But, let's be crystal about what's going on. The online JFK community is like a snake pit of vicious vipers- and I mean some of the worst, most heinous people I have ever encountered in my life. These people will do and say anything to keep the lie going that Oswald killed Kennedy. And there is absolutely no doubt that some of them are being paid. 

How much money is being spent every year to defend the official story of JFK and sabotage the truth? I'm sure it's many millions. And they'll keep spending, and they'll increase the spending, if necessary- whatever it takes; whatever it costs.They'll pay a hundred bpetes- if they have to. 

Remember: we live under a government that prints money. And when you can print money, you can buy anything you want. You can buy all the JFK dis-info artists you think you need. The widespread recognition that the US government killed Kennedy- with Oswald's only role being that of patsy- would undermine and likely destroy the whole moral authority of the US government. How diligently are they going to fight that? How many people will they hire? There's no limit. There is so much at stake that there is no limit. 

And it's not just the government. Remember that the US media has been feeding us the JFK lies for over 50 years.  If widespread truth broke out, how could the corporate media recover? What excuse could they give for what they did for over half a century?

Oswald was in the doorway. It's plain as day. For goodness sake, Doorman is wearing Oswald's clothes. He's doing Oswald's thing of clasping his hands in front, left over right. 

Now, to my enemies, just stop the nonsense, and stop it now. Enough!

One last thought: if we had a collapse in this country like they did in the Soviet Union, JFK truth would emerge almost overnight. And it would certainly include recognition that it was Oswald standing in the doorway. In Andersen's lexicon: the snowball would surely melt and fast. 

In the meantime, the price we have to pay to be involved in spreading JFK truth is to have deal with disgusting, despicable, noxious, ugly people. Then so be it.  

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