Friday, April 11, 2014

When was SV Anderson going to announce to the world that he had authored those letters and duped Ralph Cinque?  He claims to have shared it with his students, but that's just one class of kids. He said he wanted to show them how gullible conspiracy believers are, and to prove it, he wrote all those stupid letters. 

But, if it was important to show them, why not show the whole JFK community online? 

He didn't it announce until I went back on Amazon recently and he and I started sparring again. But, it's just a fluke that I wound up back on Amazon. I would tell you how it happened but it might benefit my enemies. But, if that hadn't happened, you know very well that he wouldn't have said anything. 

And it doesn't make sense because even though he and his students were laughing it up in the classroom, in the cyberworld, the accusations against him were still out there, uncontested, that he had accepted cash pay-offs to do JFK dis-info. How long was he going to wait before he revealed that it was all a scam and that I was duped? I would like to know how he was even able to contain himself. The man takes enormous glee in denigration, and this was his chance to denigrate Ralph Cinque. I should think that he would have revealed it to the world soon have the last letter was sent and received.  

Read his words. This is bull shit:

I told my students how gullible conspiracy believers are so to prove my point I wrote all of those stupid letters about my daughter in Riverside, being followed by "agents" in Lousiana, of overhearing Andersen meeting with agents in his classroom at school and all that bullcrap, knowing full well you would believe everything I wrote (which you did.) When you posted that silly map of Dealey Plaza on your OIP Facebook page I thought my class would erupt with laughter. Those students learned one important lesson about the conspiracy mindset--you can tell them ANYTHING and if it deals with conspiracy--they WILl believe it.

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