Monday, April 14, 2014

Folks, Joseph Backes is absolutely insane. This is NOT the original image from the Martin film. Lovelady did NOT have blue stripes going down his shirt. And it wasn't blood red; it was burnt orange.

The above is a DISTORTED image. It was both COLORIZED and DISTORTED. Lovelady did not have big bulging muscles. In fact, nobody on Earth has bulging muscles like that EXCEPT MAYBE IN A CARTOON. It isn't even anatomical. 

That is a grossly distorted image. Lovelady's shirt wasn't anything like that, and his arm wasn't anything like that. He didn't have blue stripes coming down his shirt. 

It's colorized, you blithering idiot! You are so stupid! It is an altered image- a grotesquely altered image. A child can see it- even a small child. 

Joseph Backes, you are EVIL and you are incredibly STUPID. What a combination. You are unfit to live. 

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