Monday, April 14, 2014

There is a great new find from Dr. James Norwood, a senior member of the OIC. 

James has noticed severe deviations in one of the images of Oswald from his time in Russia. Here it is:

What jumped out at James is the unnatural, long, tubular neck. That is too long to be Oswald's neck- or anybody's neck. It doesn't even look anatomical. This is what James said:

"The neck seems so thick and elongated that it almost appears as though the head is sitting atop a pedestal."

I agree, James. But, let's do a tri-collage with Lee and Harvey to figure out what is going on:

It's clear to me that that is "Lee's" face. We're seeing Lee's ear, Lee's nose with the wider, more bulbous nasal tip, and Lee's lips with the fuller upper lip. It looks like Lee's bull neck- which I have been talking about for a very long time. But, something happened that made it TOO long. Look at the distance between his chin and his collar on the left and in the middle. It's much longer on the left. What the hell, it's GIRAFFE-LIKE on the left; it doesn't even look human. But, the face is Lee's and not Harvey's. What's it doing on a photo of Oswald from Russia? It was Harvey who went to Russia, not Lee.

 James also noticed the unusually wide chin, much like that in the Backyard photo.

Above, note the bizarrely long neck on Oswald in Russia, which stands out as grotesque- like a head on a pedestal, just as James said. And, the chin looks wide as it does in the Backyard photo. 

The magnitude of the manipulation of the photos of Lee Harvey Oswald is staggering to behold. This is a great new find by Professor James Norwood, and I thank him for it. 

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