Monday, April 14, 2014

Hey Backass! This just came in from Bobby Quattro:


You tell that rat-bastard Backes the only reason my email isn't in his inbox is because he deleted it. I highly doubt it got lost in the mail. Bobby Quattro ain't no damn liar! My mistake was letting him push me out of forums. Backes has had a long history of doing this. Thankfully you are the first to speak up against him.

Joe's lips are flapping in the wind. I really hope one day somebody nails his butt against the wall for the crimes he has committed in being a gatekeeper for JFK research and misleading people. Like I said before I was sort of a half-hearted lone-nutter because all theories were hooey. Who did this and that. You really honed in proving Oswald was in the doorway Ralph. Why are all these other "researchers" beating around the bush?

You are the one of the few honest investigative researchers in this case. It's easy to see why you are so targeted heavily.


Bobby Quattro

P.S. What is the meaning behind " proscenium arches" you make towards Backes in your blog posts?


I'm posting your reply, and I thank you for it. That I would waste my time inventing you is just another preposterous claim of the blithering idiot. 

Backes referred to the top of the TSBD doorway as a "proscenium arch". Nobody but him would make such a reference because a proscenium arch is a very ornate thing that is related to the theater. These are proscenium arches from Google Images.

And specifically, what the moron claimed is that the reason Black Hole Man's face is shrouded in blackness is because of shadow from the "proscenium arch".

Obviously, any shadow from an overhang would cut linearly through a person and could not possibly be circumscribed to his face.  Of course, his hands would have cast some shadow but that would have been limited to the upper part of the face. There is no way that shadow can account for the complete blackening of his entire face. That was done to him, in a photographic alteration, to hide his real identity, which was Billy Lovelady. The photo was altered to take his face out, and it would have been and was very easy to do. It is one of the anomalies listed on the Anomalies page of the OIC website. 

And we got some confirmation that that was the real Lovelady in the Altgens photo in the discovery of Lovelady's arrow to himself in CE 369.

So, Lovelady was telling us himself that he was Black Hole Man. There is no other photograph in the entire world of photography in which a man's entire body is bold bright illuminated sunlight but his entire face is blackened. I dare anyone to try to find one. 

I should point out that they came up with a doctored one with the trace of a face drawn in, but it's just laughable bull shit.

You see the nose and the mouth and the deep perioral creases? It's pure art that somebody photoshopped in. They think they can get away with this shit. And since nobody before us ever spoke of the problem with the image, the fix was probably done in response to the OIC, meaning since 2012.  So, 48 years after the assassination, they were still altering images in order to continue the cover-up, the blood-soaked Kennedy-killers. 

So, that's the story of Joseph Backes and the proscenium arches- to which he will be forever linked.  

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