Friday, April 11, 2014

Hey Bob Quattro, Joseph Backes says you aren't real, that I made you up. Below is what he said. Perhaps you would like to write to him to tell him that you do breathe and live. His email address is:

IDIOTPANTS is at it again. Only IDIOTPANTS would create a fictitious person in an attempt at a funny comeback line that only goes on to prove what a total putz he is.

Case in point, IDIOTPANTS has created an imaginary friend "Bob Quattro." How do we know he’s imaginary? Well, let’s see. His writing is full of the same errors Ralphie-boy makes, like thinking there is such a word as “triers.” So the blue text is Ralphie-boy supposedly setting up this message from “Bob Quattro.” But, the pronoun trouble gives him away.

I will use blue for Cinque and Green for "Bob Quattro" so you will know who is speaking.

This just in from my good friend Bob Quattro about Mark O'Blazney. You might say he blitzes him good. But, you know the nice thing about Mark O'Blazney? He's lighthearted. He loves to find humor in things. He's not very good at it, but he tries, and God lovestriers. So, let's see you find some humor in this, Mark.

Well done, Ralph, on sticking it to Joseph Backes and now Mark O'Blazney. Although he seems a buffoon, he is actually part of a weird cult dedicated to Kerry Thornley.

[ The pronoun “he” used here refers to Mark O’Blazney. I have no idea what Cinque is doing claiming O’Blazney is part of a cult that adores the late, whacko Kerry Thornley. It’s a red herring, a wild goose chase, a distraction. So, I’m going to ignore it and focus on the pronouns that prove there is no such person as “Bob Quatro.”]

I believe that gesture he is making in the photo is like some occult gesture, freemason or people who are into the Illuminati.

[ This is akin to where the morons at FOX TV didn’t know what the hell a fist bump was and called it some kind of terrorist gesture. ]

Mark O'Blazney is just as bad as Joseph Backes. Joseph Backes forced me out of the EF forum .

Here is where the IDIOT gives the whole game away. This is supposedly “Bob Quattro” writing to Ralphie-boy. This is “Bob Quattro’s" voice here, yet, who does that “me” in the above sentence refer to? It cannot be "Bob Quattro." It can’t be. I didn’t force anyone named “Bob Quattro” off the Education forum. But, I did get Cinque booted off the Education Forum.

He contacted Duncan McRae (bpete) to erase my profile on his forum too. I didn't even mention you in the forum. Just saying your name in a PM , that you are harshly treated, gets you banned.

Who is “he” in the above sentence?

“He” is supposed to be me, Joe Backes. Supposedly, this is “Bob Quattro” writing about how Joe Backes contacted Duncan McRae, and McRae erased “my” ( "Bob Quattro's" ) profile on his (McRae’s) forum too. To whom does that pronoun “my” refer to? This is supposed to be “Bob Quatro” talking to Cinque. So, the word "my" should refer to "Bob Quatro," but it clearly doesn't. So, supposedly Duncan McRae, deleted “Bob Quattro” from McRae’s forum. No, McRae deleted Cinque’s profile and everythingCinque ever posted on that forum.

And there was no communication between Duncan McRae and me, Joe Backes, at all about deleting Cinque's crap. That was a decision McRae made on his own.

Supposedly “Bob Quattro” contacted McRae in a private message to say that Cinque is harshly treated. So, if the IDIOT got his pronouns as scrambled as he does here it’s no wonder McRae deleted him. Look at the second sentence, "I didn't even mention you in the forum." “I” is supposed to be "Bob Quattro"and he wrote "I didn’t even mention “you” (Ralph Cinque) in the forum." [He means the private message.] And then he goes on to show that actually he did. “Just saying your name
( Ralph Cinque) gets you ( supposedly “Bob Quattro” referring to himself with the word "you." ) banned.

There’s nothing better than a fool who is being unintentionally funny while thinking he’s responding to criticism and using humor so brilliantly that he thinks he knocked it out of the park. What a putz!

What makes this all the more sublime is that the IDIOT did this before. Cinque got his pronouns all fucked up in using an alias on the JFK Lancer forum and once I showed Jerry Dealey the evidence, bang, zoom, Cinque was banned.

Mark is a certified Op whose job is to distract others. He's not as hardcore as foulmouthed Backes and bpete. But, he's soaked in Kennedy's blood just as much as them and should be treated as such.
I know you have the will to do combat against Mark O’Blazney.
Good Luck.

Bob Quattro

RC: Thanks for that update, Bob. Yeah, O'Blase' is into some really weird stuff, but how do you wind up mixing New Age religion with JFK assassination dis-info? But then again, there is the weird spirituality and rituals of the Skull and Bones people, which is like a religion, and we know that some Bonesmen were there participating on November 22, 1963, most notably George HW Bush.

Still, I have to say that it's very weird about O'Blase'. You're right that he has a very explicit role. He doesn't really advance anything. He doesn't take on any responsibility. He's just there to support the larger players, like bpete and Robin Unger, in particular. If I had to define him, I would say that he's like a cheerleader for them and an agitator or irritant for us. And that's it. I only wish that he would stop trying to be funny. He just has no talent that way. He gives humor a bad name.

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