Friday, April 11, 2014

The third and last letter from HGR was long, but most of it was personal. He said his health was deteriorating from the cancer, and he expected not to live much longer, that this would probably be his last letter, and it was. 

He repeated that he felt that he was being followed and monitored. And he said that that some technician arrived from the utility company to check something, and they discovered afterwards that he had installed a "PC Tattletale" on his computer.  

But, the meat of this letter was that there was another time in which a document of Andersen's wound up in his hands. It was a single sheet of legal size yellow notebook paper. Here's what it said:

M-C Plant- Mauser used for job. 

(Obviously Mannlicher-Carcano planted, the Mauser used)

Snowflakes scattered in brain, x-rays an issue, Mantik must be monitored

(Could snowflakes be the particles from the frangible bullet which exploded in Kennedy's head?  Mantik is a reference to Dr. David Mantik. 

Ike's pic an issue, contain disinfo. 

(Ike is obviously James "Ike" Altgens)

Bug finishing his tome. Due out in 07 or 08. Will be pro-LN all the way. Keep him close. Visit him in Pasadena before publication. 

(Bug is Vincent Bugliosi, author of Reclaiming History, the 1600 page tome that supports the WC and the official story)

Bug, Posner, Moore, Belin all playing for Washington Redskins. Team up! Team up!

(First three are LN authors. Belin, a WC lawyer, was too.)

Oswald shirt and Lovelady shirt no match. This may be an issue if ever noticed. Contain. Limit comparison.

(If ever noticed? It was noticed right away.) 

50th anniversary coming in 2013, probably protesters in Dealy Plaza. Must talk with Chairman about containment. Could be trouble. Bad press. We want no questions this late in the game. 

(Led by Alex Jones, there were protesters in Dealey Plaza)

Oswald language... Believable??? Russian by self??  Must work on leak to press. 

(A real problem because there is no way that Oswald taught himself Russian.) 

HGR made a final farewell after that, and that's it. I never heard from him again. But, there is also a diagram of Dealey Plaza, and the most noteworthy thing about it is that it shows a frangible bullet being shot from the Grassy Knoll. 

I'll admit that there is nothing about this last letter that rules out the possibility of fraud. But because the other letters, and particularly the very first one, were screamed authentic, I presume that this one is too. 

I know for sure that SV Anderson would never have said those things about his wife or Hank Sienzant, so he could not have written that first letter. So, if it was fraudulent, it was by somebody else, not him. Yet, Anderson claimed to have sat down at his computer and written it. Written all of them. He just didn't think about the logistics of how he supposedly got all the letters mailed from 4 different states and 1 foreign country, and in a short period of time, from January to April, while he was supposedly teaching school. He didn't think what was involved with what he was claiming. 

The bottom line is that I don't know what the truth is, but my gut feeling is that HGR was a real person. But regardless of whether he was or wasn't, I would bet anything that SV Anderson did not write those letters. 


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