Monday, April 7, 2014

John Armstrong has long said that this image is a composite of Lee and Harvey, and I am sure that he is right.

However, let's look at it in a more detailed way to see exactly what was done. 

First, I don't think there was any compositing of the bodies. I believe the body was all Lee. That's because you can see the sloping shoulders on both sides, which Lee had but Harvey did not. 

 As you can see, Harvey's shoulders on the left were quite horizontal, whereas Lee's shoulders on the right were quite sloped. But, the Oswald in the composite picture has sloping shoulders on both sides. So that is Lee's body, through and through. 

And when you think about it, Lee was a much bigger man. So, how could they butt together the body of a large man up with that of a small man and make it work? They had to go with one body or the other, and they went with Lee's. 

What about the necks? There was definitely a compositing there. I've been saying for a long time that Lee had a much thicker neck; he had a bull neck. Harvey most certainly did not. 

Note the much wider expanse of neck on Lee's side. His neck was also longer, hence the higher collar on the left side too. It's great that the image includes a tie because you know the knot of that tie can't be too far off from dead center. 

Note also that this comparison of the necks enables us to determine right off the bat which side was Lee and which was Harvey. So, it's Lee on the left as we look at the picture, and Harvey on the right. 

Let's continue on up and compare the lips. First note that the way Harvey pursed his lips resulted in much less exposure of the upper lip. So, the disparity in size of the upper lip and the lower lip was greater than on Lee. 

That gives us something to check for.

So, that checks out with Harvey's lips on our right and Lee's more balanced lips on our left. Let's move on to the nose. First note that Lee had much bigger broader tip cartilage than Harvey. Harvey's nose was more chiseled and Lee's was more lumpen. 

We are certainly seeing a good match of the right nostrils on Lee and the composite but not the left. Lee's left nostril was less exposed.

Yes! The right nostril of the center composite (which is left to us) is a match to Lee while the left nostril (which is right to us) is a match to Harvey. 

Let's move on to the eyes. 

That's Lee on top, the Composite in the middle, and Harvey on the bottom. On the right side, you definitely see the correlation between the Composite and Harvey. Lee, on top, had a tighter junction between the eye and eye brow on the medial side, the side of the nose.  Notice that Lee's eyes on top were more stern than Harvey's on the bottom, whose eyes were softer. Lee on top looks downright mean. His right eye looks smaller, and the way the lid covers it may be why. When looking at that and the curve of the eyebrow, I'm satisfied that in the composite, it's Lee's eye on our left and Harvey's eye on our right. 

Finally, we'll consider the hairline, and this one is easy as pie because there's a notch where the two meet.

That glitch is the dividing line between the two, with Lee having thicker, better coverage. Harvey had more of a balding tendency than Lee. At least, that's true from what we know. Remember, the latest photo we have of Lee is from 1959, his passport photo. 

So, I agree with John Armstrong that this is a composite picture, with Lee on the left and Harvey on the right, but, it is only a composite of their faces; the body is all Lee. 

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