Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Let's consider what we know. We know that SV Anderson didn't travel to all those places to mail me letters. Forget about it. It never happened. That was a lie. 

And we know he didn't involve his whole class in the project of pretending to be associates of SV Anderson who he, in fact, is.
It means that he revealed to them that he goes by SV Anderson online. And even if he denied being a CIA agent, his cover was blown. 

But, even if he tried to lie to them, he was still exposing them to the idea that he was SV Anderson.  He was inviting them to consider it. But, they knew his name. They knew his real identity. They knew what he looked like. And they also know that he walked the walk and talked the talk of SV Anderson. 
"I was talking to one of my American History courses about the nature of the conspiracy mindset and the laughable gullibility of those given over to conspiratorial thinking."

That's SV Anderson's thinking! So, how are they not going to realize that he is SV Anderson or at least suspect it? 

Why would he ever expose himself to his students that way when his real identity was in plain view to them? They knew who he was; so, he would NEVER broach the subject of SV Anderson with them. 

So, it means that SV is lying about sending those letters, at least personally, and he is lying about involving his students in the project of duping me. The question is: what else is he lying about? And more to the point: what, if anything, is he NOT lying about? Perhaps very little.  

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