Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Oh the noose is tightening, but not around my neck. 

Read this by SV Anderson because, as you'll see afterwards, he has gotten himself into a kettle of fish:

"I told my class that I was going to prove my point by writing a series of letters to the Will Rogers of Conspiracy Cultists (He never met a conspiracy he didn't like) and I outlined for my class how I would fill my various letters with mysterious references (that actually meant nothing.) I wrote in one letter that I met with mysterious government agents that said something like the "Snowball is starting to melt" or some such nonsense. I concocted a ridiculous map of Dealey Plaza (which you can see on Cinque's simple-minded OIC Facebook page) with various references (written in my handwriting)all over the Dealey Plaza map. As expected Cinque, the laughing of the conspiracy cult, bought my letters hook, line, and sinker. He probably was as giddy as a school girl after an invitation to the prom for three weeks after receiving my letters thinking that he was "really on to something." He stated time and again on his blog that he KNEW they were legitimate letters and that he would some day prove their veracity. I directed my students to his Facebook page and we laughed in the classroom for three months as these various letters arrived in his hands. I waited for a year to let him REALLY swallow the hook before I reeled him in."

It's a nice story, Scott, but the problem is that all your students know who you really are, and they would also know who you're supposed to be, SV Anderson. It would mean that you had to trust every last one of them to guard your secret. 

Were you that sure that they all like you? Were you that sure that not one of them would get the idea of pulling the rug out from under you by getting word to me of who you are? Do you really mean to tell us that you were willing to take that chance? 

But, your private life is private. Remember? And you want to keep it that way. Right? How could you trust all of those students to remain on your side? 

I'm a pretty likable guy when you get to know me, and some of them may have sided with me. It would only have taken one student to jump ship and turn the table on you. Maybe a student you gave a bad grade to?  

You sure you want to stick to the story that you informed your entire class that you masquerade online as SV Anderson?

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