Thursday, April 10, 2014

OK, now we'll finish up the first letter from HGR about SV Anderson, dated January 2, 2013:

On another occasion I saw him talking to two people near their govt car in the parking lot after school. Again their voices were too low for me to hear, but I was parked right next to their vehicle, so I was standing within maybe 12 feet of them (at the most). I glanced to tell Anderson good-bye for the evening, and I saw them pass an envelope to him that looked like it was filled with cash. Again all i heard was a reference to the Washington Redskins and something else about a "snowball" but nothing else could I understand- they were whispering too quietly. Now let me emphasize that I didn't see any money, but it had the bulges and shape of dollar bills that I've observed in scenes I've watched in movies when money exchanges hands in an envelope. Anderson took the money and quickly placed it inside his sports jacket breast pocket. 

RC: I am completely neutral about the above paragraph. It sounds like it could have been written by HGR, but it also sounds like Anderson could have concocted it. 

This leads me to my third point. SV Anderson always seemed to have a LOT more money than the rest of us did. While I drove a late model Toyota, he always drove a newer BMW or an Audi. In fact, I NEVER saw him behind the wheel of a non-luxury car. A lot of the teachers on campus always made jokes about how he came across the extra money, but I suspected it was somehow related to these government people he was receiving visits from. His wife worked running a small day-care center, but she wouldn't have made that kind of money. Now, let me make myself clear, I don't know for a fact that he was being paid by the US govt, but it did seem awfully strange that while the rest of us were bringing cheese sandwiches and chips for lunch, he was eating EVERY day at Chilis, Cocos, Bakers, Sizzler or other nice lunch venues- and ALWAYS by himself. We must have asked him 50 times to join us for lunch in the teacher's lounge and he ALWAYS declined. He also requested every year to have his conference period bumpered against his lunch break so that he got them back to back. So, while the rest of us had to rush through our lunch in 40 minutes, he had a leisurely hour and forty minutes EVERY day. Who knows who he was having lunch with? But, we never saw him during that long break.

RC: Again, I have to go with authenticity for the above. I can't see Anderson saying anything about what his wife does- not even fraudulently. I think he would leave her out of it. There was no need for him to say anything about her. 

So, why am I tell you this? Clearly talking about this makes me a bit nervous, so I have to be careful to keep my identity a secret. (RC: Again, Anderson has quoted from this letter, so he obviously has it, though it doesn't necessarily mean he wrote it.) A simple search of schools should turn up some information that might help you, but I can't be the source for that information. YOU have to do that legwork. Based on your exposing of some guy named Hank, you know how to research. If you were to write a post on one of the Amazon chatrooms I would be interested to see how he reacts if you drop a "Washington Redskins" reference. He will shit his pants. Since he and I haven't spoken in 1 1/2 years, I don't think he'll know it's me. If you talked of the Washington Redskins and mentioned a snowball melting, he will have to change his briefs before he can respond. I wouldn't be surprised if you never heard from him again on ANY chatboard  since he will be convinced his cover has been compromised and someone knows his mission- whatever it is. Who knows? 

Anyway, keep up the good work. If I thought I had anything to contribute, I would be a member of the Oswald in the Doorway Project. Keep exposing the liars and keep fighting the good fight. Remember, it's only the pioneers that get the arrows. 



RC: So, that completes the first letter. I rate that last paragraph and a half as authentic. And I mean screaming out loud authentic. Can you see why? There is only one reason. It's because he mentioned Hank Sienzant. Sienzant is the guy I exposed as a dis-info agent, but there is no way on God's Green Earth that SV Anderson would have made reference to his colleague Hank Sienzant in a negative way. His mind never would have gone there. No way, no how, no chance. SV Anderson did NOT write that letter.    

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