Friday, April 11, 2014

This just in from my good friend Bob Quattro about Mark O'Blazney. You might say he blitzes him good. But, you know the nice thing about Mark O'Blazney? He's lighthearted. He loves to find humor in things. He's not very good at it, but he tries, and God loves triers. So, let's see you find some humor in this, Mark.

Well done, Ralph, on sticking it to Joseph Backes and now Mark O'Blazney. Although he seems a buffoon, he is actually part of a weird cult dedicated to Kerry Thornley

I believe that gesture he is making in the photo is like some occult gesture, freemason or people who are into the Illuminati.

Mark O'Blazney is just as bad as Joseph Backes. Joseph Backes forced me out of the EF forum . He contacted Duncan McRae (bpete) to erase my profile on his forum too. I didn't even mention you in the forum. Just saying your name in a PM , that you are harshly treated, gets you banned.

Mark is a certified Op whose job is to distract others. He's not as hardcore as foulmouthed Backes and bpete. But, he's soaked in Kennedy's blood just as much as them and should be treated as such.

I know you have the will to do combat against Mark O'Blazney.

Good Luck. 

Bob Quattro

RC: Thanks for that update, Bob. Yeah, O'Blase' is into some really weird stuff, but how do you wind up mixing New Age religion with JFK assassination dis-info? But then again, there is the weird spirituality and rituals of the Skull and Bones people, which is like a religion, and we know that some Bonesmen were there participating on November 22, 1963, most notably George HW Bush. 

Still, I have to say that it's very weird about O'Blase'. You're right that he has a very explicit role. He doesn't really advance anything. He doesn't take on any responsibility. He's just there to support the larger players, like bpete and Robin Unger, in particular. If I had to define him, I would say that he's like a cheerleader for them and an agitator or irritant for us.  And that's it. I only wish that he would stop trying to be funny. He just has no talent that way. He gives humor a bad name.  

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