Thursday, April 10, 2014

So, what is the truth about the letters about SV Anderson? Maybe they're all phony, but if they are, it could not have been a scheme of Anderson's alone. He had to have help. He certainly didn't travel around the western United States and Brazil just to mail me letters.

But, let's consider another possibility, that some of the letters were legit. 

The first 3 letters were sent by a man named "HGR". There was 1 in January and 2 in February. Then, in March, I received a letter from a "DT Sullivan Esq" who said that "HGR" got it wrong.  

HGR had said that Anderson's name really was Anderson but that his initials were not SV. Sullivan said that Anderson's real name was Andersen. He went with the story about Scott Valenti Andersen being a history professor in the Houston area. 

I'm just speculating here, but hear me out: What if HGR was real? It would have been very easy for them to find him. He admitted to teaching high school for 25 years with Anderson at a high school in a mountain state. He said they started together in Pocatello, Idaho, and I put that information on the internet.

How hard would it have been for them to find him? Are you kidding? Not hard at all. They could have zeroed in on him in a New York second. And when they got to him, they could have threatened him. He essentially admitted to stealing documents (property) that belonged to Anderson. And they could have said it was "classified" material and threatened to prosecute him if he didn't cooperate. They could have demanded to have copies of all the letters he sent to me, to which he would have complied. 

So, hypothetically speaking, they could have gotten the three HGR letters and then sent the one from Sullivan which changed the story to Anderson being Andersen and being a college professor in Houston- to throw me off course. 

Another problem with the "Professor Andersen" story is that there is no presence of a Professor Scott Andersen online, and it seems incredible to me that an active professor could have no references whatsoever online. Somebody would be talking about him.

It would also explain why Anderson was indifferent about me posting the letter by the woman which also referred to Professor Scott Andersen. The letter from Brazil also made reference to him being a college professor in Houston, and spelled it Andersen.

So, consider this possibility: the first 3 letters from HGR were legit, while the 3 that followed were all damage control. 

That's my working hypothesis right now, and we are going to go through the 3 letters from HGR with a fine-toothed comb. 


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