Thursday, April 10, 2014

SV Anderson:I can't get enough of this. Cinque, you have made my day. My students are going to have a HAY-DAY with these messages (which I have already printed out and copied for their enjoyment. My students this semester have only HEARD about the letters I sent last year, they haven't got to enjoy your posts personally. Tomorrow is going to be a fun day on campus.
Is SV Anderson delusional, or is he just plain stupid? Now he's talking about his students having a HAY-DAY over all my posts- even though they refer to him as SV Anderson. BUT, HE IS SV ANDERSON. 

This doesn't make sense. He doesn't want anyone on the internet to know, to connect his real self, his real identity, with SV Anderson. But, he doesn't mind a bit that every student in his class knows the truth about him? 

But, if all of them know, how many people could each of them tell? Their friends, their family, their chat buddies, their Facebook friends, etc. Think of the size of the pyramid that would grow from that- for each of them.  

Now Anderson is saying that he is printing out my posts to take to class to read to his students? That it's going to be a fun day on campus?

Fun? But, they'll be laughing at you because you are SV Anderson. Remember? That isn't in doubt. I'm not accusing you of it. I don't have to; it's established. So, how could you be cavalier about all your students knowing? 

It's not just that there are multiple individuals in on your conspiracy who live in various cities and are mailing letters for you. It's that you claim to have brought ALL THE STUDENTS IN YOUR CLASS in on your conspiracy. YOU'VE MADE A SWARM OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS - ALL OF WHOM HAVE CELL PHONES AND I-PADS - YOUR CO-CONSPIRATORS.  

Don't you get it? The subject is YOU. It's not Doorman any more; it's you. The subject is: Who is SV Anderson? And YOU are SV Anderson. If all your students know it, then your secret is destroyed. Your private life is no longer private. It's like Clark Kent telling everyone at the Daily Planet that he's Superman. 

Anderson, you say that you are printing and copying my posts to share with your high school students. In that case, you be sure to include this one:

Students, I have a feeling that you don't like your History teacher any more than I do. He's an asshole, and I'm sure I don't have to convince you of that fact. So, here's what I want you to do: As soon as you get a chance, I want you to go on Facebook and Twitter and wherever else you go online, and announce that your History teacher (name him) is the JFK blogger known as SV Anderson. What can he do about it? You're not obliged to keep his secrets. And if he tries to penalize you for it, you can go over his head. He's just the History teacher; he's not the principal. What are the school administrators going to say when they find out that he's spending class time engaging in a ruse like this, where he is lying and deceiving and misleading? History is supposed to be about learning the truth not making up lies. If he would go to this much trouble, including mailing letters from Brazil, to deceive me about who he really is, how much effort would he and others put into deceiving the world about who killed John Kennedy? In a word: let's get the lyin' bastard.      

That's great that I made your day, Anderson, but now you can make mine by getting that note to your students. Let's make it a really fun day on campus. 

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