Wednesday, April 9, 2014

SV Anderson has cited some of the text of some of the letters I received about him and his involvement in the JFK coverup- the organized campaign to defend the official story in online forums, particular Amazon forum in his case. However, there are still some unanswered questions. 

It's not his real picture, but it's the picture he uses. 

Anderson claims to have typed and sent the letters himself. But, one of them was definitely mailed from Brazil. So, did he get on a plane and fly to Brazil just to mail me a letter? Certainly not. Was he going there anyway, say, to vacation? I seriously doubt it. I don't think he does the Samba or Bossa Nova. Nope, I think the chances are much greater that somebody else mailed the letter from Brazil.

And it was sent to the wrong address and had to be forwarded to me. And I don't mean through the post office. It was sent to an address which was NEVER my address. So, it's only because the person living there acted on it that it ever reached me. 

But, why would SV Anderson take a chance like that? What benefit, what advantage did he gain by sending it to the wrong address? And there were other letters mailed prior to that one which were sent to the right address. So, in going to the trouble of having his letter sent from Brazil, why would SV Anderson use the wrong address when he had the right one? 

Once you realize that the probability that SV Anderson went to Brazil is extremely low, then it raises doubt about him being in the other locations as well. SV Anderson is, supposedly, a school teacher, a history teacher. There was a letter mailed from Riverside CA in January 2013. There was one mailed from Provo UT in February and also one from Baton Rouge and one from Houston that month. That's 3 letters in just one month from 3 different states, and one from San Diego in March. The one from Brazil was mailed in May. What are the chances that SV Anderson did all that travelling in such a short period of time? He teaches. He has a family. He spends an awful lot of time lording over his roost on Amazon. Again, you can't tell me that he actually went to Provo, San Diego, Riverside, and Baton Rouge, never mind Brazil, just to mail me letters.

So, what are the possibilities? One is that it was all ruse, but he had help from people who mailed those letters for him from those different places. 

Still, it doesn't explain the wrong address. There are a total of 6 letters; 4 of them went to the wrong address, and 2 were addressed correctly. Why would Anderson have done that? 

Why would SV Anderson send 4 letters to the wrong address, and one all the way from Brazil? How would that have served his purpose? 

So, the way things stand right now is that Anderson's possession of the letters cannot be denied, but much remains unsettling and unresolved about it, and I don't assume that he single-handedly did this. So, there is definitely more to it than what he is saying. 

The letter from Houston is from a woman who claimed that Anderson's real name is Scott Valenti Andersen with an "e", that he is related to Jack Valenti, and that he is a history teacher in the Houston area at a small college. It could all be a ruse, I realize, but who knows. I'm just putting it out there. 

But, we are going to continue with this look at SV Anderson. Next time, I am going to present in detail the notes that were attributed to Anderson himself. It will be fun to look at them from the perspective of Anderson having written them himself to pull off a con. I find it strange that he would want to put this stuff out there- even fraudulently. I wish to analyze his mindset to see how he construed it, if indeed he did. So, stay tuned. More on SV Anderson shortly.

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