Wednesday, April 9, 2014

SV Anderson: "I sent him letters from Riverside, CA, Louisiana, Brazil, and other locations that I simply sat at my computer and typed."

Notice he said that he sent them. He didn't say that he had them sent. He didn't say that he sent them to other people who sent them out to me.

But, if this was a class project, as he claims, then he was going to class. So obviously, he didn't leave class and journey to three different states in one month to mail those letters. There is school in February, right?

So, don't tell me that you went to all those places to mail those letters. You had to have sent them to other people to mail.

I mean, who pulls a prank on someone by travelling across the country- and to another continent? Think of all the money that would have been involved. Travel isn't cheap. If he really shelled out like that, then he's the butt of the joke, not me.

But, he couldn't have because he was teaching class. Right?

So, to whom did he send those letters to mail? And if you sat at your computer and typed them, didn't you then put them into envelopes and address them as well? So, why'd you send 4 to the wrong address? How did that fit into the plot?

So guess what? Since we have established that it was logistically impossible for Anderson to do all that traveling while he was teaching class, then it means that this definitely was a CONSPIRACY.

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