Sunday, April 13, 2014

That STUPID, PROSCENIUM-STUFFING MORON is at it again, proving that he is not only dumb as dirt, but wicked as sin.

It started with this from Barry Ernest, which used a colorized version of Gorilla Man from the Martin film.

 So, I informed Barry Ernest that that image had been artificially colorized.

No Backes; that's just the proscenium arch talking. It's not that I thought the Martin film was black and white; it's that you are a lying bastard. That picture on the right is not only artificially colorized; it is artificially colorized BADLY, with lots of distortion and artificiality. I refer to that particular image of Lovelady as Psychedelic Lovelady.

And they really beefed up his arm, didn't they? Look at the shoulder cap on the left And he's not only got a bulging bicep but a bulging tricep as well. An hour later he was all scrawny.

Give us a good techno-babble excuse for the difference, Backes. I'm sure it will be a doozey. 

There is no evidence that Billy Lovelady had anything that can be called a beard on 11/22/63. Therefore, Robert Groden's use of such a picture was just bull shit. 

Again, look at the difference. There is no excuse for this bull shit.

And it wasn't just the lighting conditions. Somebody applied color to create that beard.

Hey Backes, maybe you think his pink ears and neck were do to the lighting conditions too. 

That image with the wrong lighting conditions is the very one that the HSCA published, and it was linked to Robert Groden.

The image in the upper right is the one in question. So, why was it included among the photographic evidence used by Robert Groden in the shirt analysis if he knew that it was wrong? Furthermore, the image on the lower left was TAKEN by Robert Groden, and yet it's lighting conditions are also wrong (artificially darkened). That's Groden's own work!!!

And notice what is missing from that collage: ANY image of Lee Oswald. That no-good rotten traitor Robert Groden NEVER used an image of Oswald. What if he had included something like this?

How do you think that would have looked in the HSCA Final Report? Of course, there was no chance they would use it. 

So, summing up, I never thought the Martin film was black and white; the image of Lovelady that Barry Ernest posted was not legit; it was artificially colorized and BADLY, and I wanted him to know it; Lovelady never had anything that could be characterized as a beard, and he had no bulging muscles- all wrongly depicted in the psychedelic image; and Joseph Backes is pushing those proscenium arches up so far they are scrambling his brain.

And, it's plain to see that Gorilla Man from the Martin film, whether viewed in black and white or color, was not Billy Lovelady. These are not the same man. And yes, on the right he does look like a gorilla. 

Anyone who has studied human anatomy knows that, anatomically, these are two different men, and it isn't even close. 

Therefore, Proscenium-stuffer, everything I said to Barry Ernest is true, and everything you said in response is false. You are just a stupid, evil pervert with the blood of John Kennedy all over you. You're wrong again; totally and diametrically wrong, 180 degrees out of sync with reality, and completely distorted in your thinking, depraved in your appetites, and hopeless in your prospects. You can add my spit to the blood of John Kennedy that pervades you. Ptoi!    

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