Sunday, April 13, 2014

This composite image of the Two Oswalds must have struck a nerve with people because my Facebook visits spiked from it. Soared, actually. 

It really is an awful picture, and there's lots wrong with it. But, the thing that jumps out at you first is that zig-zag hairline. You know that wasn't Oswald's- and it wasn't the other guy's either. 

But, the traffic jump tells me that people must have seen it and then alerted other to come look at it. It is a spectacle. 

Of course, the blood-soaked in this debate are going to make excuses for it, and here's one from Jason Burke: 

"Gol durn, Cinque. Ever hearded of a shadow down thar in Buda? 

Note that there is no shadow involved. It's just skin and hair with that zig-zag. 

How unusual is that? Show me another hairline like it.

I suppose that if one has the capacity to kill, lying must come easy. 

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