Sunday, April 13, 2014

This email just came in from a loyal supporter: 

Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 14:37:52 -0500
Subject: budget
Dr. Cinque:

Obama's 2014 budget request was for $3.77 trillion. I think this could handily buy some JFK dis-info Ops.



Nelson, I think the best word to use is "legitimacy". The United States government would lose all its legitimacy if the truth about the JFK assassination became known and went universal.

So, how hard are they going to fight this fight? How much money are they going to be willing to spend? 

They have the good fortune that the online JFK community, which is very energetic, is also quite small. It's nothing compared to the number of people who follow Mylie Cyrus and Brittany Spears. And that's what enables them to man the JFK forums so effectively. 

But, it's something that could get out of hand very quickly. I've said many times, and it's true, that when we show people, including students, these collages of Oswald next to Doorman, it registers with them like a thunderbolt. "It's Oswald!" Of course it is. The other side is just lying through their teeth. How could these two not be the same guy? 

What kind of universe do these assholes think we're living in that these two above aren't the same guy, that Billy Lovelady just happened to deck himself out exactly the same as Lee Oswald on the morning of 11/22/63? I tell them that they can go straight to Hell where they belong. 

So, their situation is fucking hopeless. There is no doubt about where this is going and how it's going to end. So, I say to them: "Bring it on, moe-foes." 

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