Sunday, April 13, 2014

Unger, the top frame is from your site. The bottom one is the one in dispute. 

Now, the coloring is vastly different. They both can't be legit. So, which one is legit, Robin? Which one reflects the true state of the film? The one that comes from you site above or the other one?

And I have referred to Gorilla Man as Lovelady because he is claimed to be Lovelady on 11/22/63. He is, in fact, the mostly widely claimed image of Lovelady from 11/22/63.  I know very well that he isn't really Lovelady, but still, I get to use him in comparison because other people are making him their basis for claiming that Doorman was Lovelady. And to disprove that, I only have to show the disparity between this figure and Doorman. Are you really too stupid to understand that? It's not that hard to grasp. 

Unger, you've got a brain like that of a kangaroo, and I say that with all due apologies to kangaroos.  

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