Friday, August 23, 2019

Ghislaine Maxwell. Why isn't she being brought in, if only as a "person of interest"? Right now, the mainstream media is prepping the public to not expect charges filed against her. I'm reading various articles, and they all say the same thing: that it takes time, that prosecutors won't do it unless they are certain of a conviction, etc. etc.  There are multiple witnesses claiming that she was involved in recruiting and coercing underage girls. So, when I read about how it takes time to build a case... 

"Nonetheless, prosecutors would need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Maxwell knew that force, threats of force, fraud or coercion would be used to cause victims to engage in a commercial sex act. The bottom line is that prosecutors would need to prove that Maxwell knew Epstein abused the girls and that he used force, threats of force, fraud, or coercion to do so."  Renato Mariotti, attorney

No, no, no. That isn't correct. The biggest issue is the girls' ages. If they were underage, if they were minors, then it's automatically force and coercion- regardless of anything else. 

So, how could this Yale Law School graduate and former federal prosecutor and current candidate for the office of Illinois Attorney General not know that? Why is he making excuses for why this woman isn't being brought in? 

Then, she was reportedly spotted at an In N Out burger joint in LA. but then they said it was staged by her attorney. 
But, even if it was staged by her attorney, if it's her, it's her. 
It's very hard for me to believe that she was photoshopped into that picture. Posing like that? How would  you piece her in? How likely is it that she would fit there? No, no, no,  whoever that woman is, she was there. So, is it Ghislaine? 
To my eyes, that's her. So, whether it was staged or not, who cares? It's her. So, the claim of it being a hoax that it's her is a hoax, as far as I'm concerned. 

She is the daughter of Robert Maxwell, the media mogul, who had very close ties to Israel, and was a big supporter of Israel, even to the point of procuring weapons for Israel. And after his mysterious death in 1991, he received practically a State funeral in Israel and was buried on the Mount of Olives, alongside past prime ministers. And I am not saying that with malice. I have close Jewish friends; my brother-in-law is Jewish; and I am not an anti-Semite.    

But, the question is: why would this woman get involved procuring underage girls for Epstein? They were reported to be in a romantic relationship with each other. Don't you agree that most women would be totally averse to doing that, and I mean to where it is anathema to their DNA to do it? So, was she dependent on him financially? Well, I can't believe, that being who she is, that she did it out of financial desperation. Not going to go there. 

And speaking of finances, what about his? He was teaching Math at a  private school; he didn't even have a college degree. He takes a low-level job at Bear Stearns and becomes a trading wizard?  

I don't care how good a wizard he was; he was living in New York City; he had to pay federal, state, and city income tax. The idea that he could have accumulated a billion dollars that fast is ridiculous. And remember that at the same time, he was adopting a very, pricey lifestyle with private planes, private islands and jetsetting all over the world. That's all consumption, and consumption doesn't make you richer. 

And then he becomes a "hedge fund manager" but only with one client, who goes on to accuse of him of theft and embezzlement?

Now that I'm a famous screenwriter, let's talk movies. Do you remember in Godfather2, the Nevada Senator? He didn't like those greasy New York dagos moving to Nevada and mixing with decent people, and he refused to get Michael Corleone a gaming license unless he paid a huge bribe. But then, he wakes up in a whore house next to a dead hooker with the implication being that he killed her, and the Corleones are there to swift him away before police arrive and cover his tracks. Of course, from then, he owes them; he is beholden to them like slave to master. 

So, was this that kind of thing? Were they, Epstein and Maxwell, luring rich and powerful men into sex with underage girls to corner them, control them, so that their actions and statements and votes would always conform with the interests of, let's just say, the Deep State?  It's in a court filing.

In a 2006 court filing, Palm Beach police noted that a search of Epstein’s home uncovered two hidden cameras. The Mirror reported that in 2015, a 6-year-old civil lawsuit filed by “Jane Doe No. 3,”alleged that Epstein wired his mansion with hidden cameras, secretly recording orgies involving his prominent friends and underage girls. The ultimate purpose: blackmail, according to court papers.

What personal reasons would Epstein have to blackmail those powerful men? I can't think of any. He had to be doing it as an agent. 

Epstein getting away with committing suicide in a maximum security prison and after a prior failed attempt? That has zero tenability and credibility; and I mean absolute zero.   


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