Monday, August 12, 2019

Now I realize why they're not telling us how Epstein hung himself - his method. It's because whatever they told us, the response would be, "What was that doing there? Why didn't they design the cell so that it didn't have that?"
He had to use something as a ligature- as the noose. If he used a blanket, they sell suicide-proof blankets that can't be twisted into knots and nooses. Look:
And the same goes for bed sheets. There are ones made with a high paper content, lacking the strength to hold if you tried to use it as a rope. They would just tear.
And then, whatever he used as a noose, he had to tie the other end to something strong and stationary, and whatever that was, why was it there?
Now, I don't think he hung himself at all; if he was hung, somebody hung him. But, they don't want the public questioning why the means to be hung existed within a jail cell, and especially the one he was in. .
But, it's going to get interesting because they are calling for a complete investigation of how this happened. Wouldn't that investigation have to include the means he used to hang himself? Or, is the investigating committee going to ignore it the way the 9/11 Committee ignored the Building 7 collapse, even though it was never hit by a plane and only had minimal fire? They just completely ignored it. They didn't say a word about it. From reading the 9/11 Report, you would think that only two buildings collapsed that day.

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