Saturday, August 10, 2019

Jeffrey Epstein is dead, reportedly by suicide. But, he was on suicide watch since July 23. The man was in a small cell and being watched constantly. So, how could he commit suicide?

Back on July 23, he was found on the floor of his cell "semi-conscious" with "marks on his neck." It soon became that he had tried to hang himself. 

But, he was found on the floor in a semi-fetal position. So, how does that relate to a hanging gone wrong? Was he hanging but the string or sheet broke? So, he fell? You can't just say that a guy curled up on the floor with marks on his neck was trying to hang himself. It doesn't equate. 

So now he's dead from suicide? Even though he was being watched constantly? Even though he was presumably deprived of all dangerous materials? 

Reportedly, he hung himself. But, how could he hang himself when he was on suicide watch? Don't they automatically remove any materials with which you could hang yourself?  And keep in mind that when you get hung by a heavy rope, it breaks your neck, and you die instantly, that is, if all goes well. But, if you hang yourself with lightweight material like a string or a sheet, you just have to asphyxiate, and that takes time, at least several minutes. And regardless of how intent the person is to die, the body's reflexes would cause the person to thrash and struggle, and it would make noise and commotion. But, he was in a small jail cell on constant watch. 

A great many people predicted that this was going to happen, just like it happened to Debra Palfrey, the DC Madam with dirt on the rich and powerful, who supposedly hung herself in her mother's garage, knowing that her mother would be the one to find her there hanging from the rafters.

Again: Many people, in advance, predicted that this was going to happen. This is from a Reddit discussion board: 

"I bet Epstein dies of "suicide" before we find out anything about any other rich and powerful people he was connected with."

It got a 97% upvote. And there were a lot of comments that followed, and this one stood out to me: 

"My money is on cancer he didn't know he had which spread so fast and without warning nothing could be done."

Of course, that is how they got rid of Jack Ruby, before he could be retried for killing Oswald.  Do you believe me now that he didn't do it? 

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