Saturday, August 10, 2019

While we are waiting for details on the supposed suicide of Jeffrey Epstein, and how it could happen when he was in a small cell on constant suicide watch, there is a newly released video by the Taliban displaying the training of their Mujahideen warriors. 

Look at what they have to introduce it.

Can you now see that the idea that the Taliban is going to accept a cooperative involvement with the current Afghan government is a complete and total pipe dream?  They are never going to blend in. They are never going to just start running for office. They want Shariah law, and they want it now. 

I don't know how the Trump administration can have the slimmest hope for a successful outcome. The only way it can succeed is if we turn the country over to the Taliban, and it will be a naked defeat.  The Taliban is not going to settle for anything less.

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