Friday, April 11, 2014

Before I continue analyzing the HGR letters, I want to tell you that we've got an interesting thread going on the LEE HARVEY OSWALD IS INNOCENT Facebook page. What follows is a comment I made to something Richard Charnin said:

Thank you, Richard C. The truth is that at first and for a long time, months, Lovelady did not want to lie. There were FBI reports saying that he claimed to be Doorman, but that was them talking not him. Why didn't they sit him down in front of a sea of microphones and have him say it to reporters? Why not have him publicly hold a blowup of the Altgens doorway and point to Doorman and say, "that's me"?  

It was in April 1964 that he testified to the WC. If you read through the whole thing, you see that he never once identified himself as Doorman. Joseph Ball could have asked him point-blank: "This guy here, standing next to the white column in the open shirt and the exposed t-shirt, is that you?" But, Ball did not do that. Ball did not DARE do that. Instead, they talked around it. 

And the only other mark on that photograph besides the arrow that Frazier drew to Doorman is the mark on Black Hole Man's forearm. By default alone, it has to be part of Lovelady's arrow. Then, it was a month later that Lovelady, for the first time, spoke to a reporter, Jones Harris, and started claiming to be Doorman. I figure that Ball must have freaked in April when he saw what Lovelady had done with his arrow, and he talked to some people, who talked to some people, who sent some people- big, tall muscular guys in dark suits and sunglasses who spoke in gruff voices- to visit Lovelady. And they must have made him an offer that he couldn't refuse. It was only after that, in May 1964- six months after the assassination- that Lovelady got with the program and started claiming to be Doorman.

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