Friday, April 11, 2014

Here's something important, which I didn't remember. In his second letter, which I am now studying, HGR said:

"By the way, I looked back at my yearbook and realized that I spelled his name wrong in my last letter. He spells his name AnderSEN not SON (with an "e"). I know that doesn't really mean anything, but in the pursuit of accuracy I thought I would pass that along. I find it interesting that on the Amazon forum he has altered his last name's spelling, probably to conceal his identity."

So, we're back to Andersen as the correct spelling. And that of course conforms with Professor Scott Valenti Andersen, which was reported by two other people in subsequent letters. But again, my gut feeling is that since there is absolutely nothing available online about a Professor Scott Valenti Andersen, that is probably bogus. If anyone knows anything to the contrary, please let me know. 

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