Friday, April 11, 2014

Let's continue now with HGR's second letter, which was also from February 2013. And remember my working hypothesis: it's that the 3 letters from HGR were legit, but they got to him after that, and the 3 letters that followed referencing a Professor Scott Valenti Andersen, a teacher of Twentieth Century History at a Houston college, are fake.  

I have been unable to find anything online about Professor Scott Valenti Andersen, and if anyone else would like to search for him, be my guest. If you find something, holler. 

Note that if it turns out that all the letters are phony and that I was duped, it's still Oswald in the doorway. So, this is not make or break for me.  

The second letter from HGR is very long, and I'm not going to type the whole thing. It starts with him expounding on his fear of being caught and his suspicion that he's being followed. That goes on for 2 pages. 

Then he makes the very important point of acknowledging that Anderson spells his name "Andersen" with an e.  

And then he gets to the meat of the letter, about the time that Andersen had delivered some term papers to him and mixed up in them was a scratch paper that had some hand-written notes on it. Here's what it says, line by line, with my comments in parentheses. 

A.Zap- no view of TSB

(So, either Abraham Zapruder had no view of the Texas School Book Depository or at least, his film doesn't show it.)

Nix- no view of TSB
Moorman- no view of TSB- possibly fence but too grainy

(I take that to mean that the Nix film and the Moorman photo do not show the Texas Book Despository. I don't know anything about the fence.)

Then there is some undecipherable scribbling and possibly a drawing of something. 

Altg- Worst for us- show ev. of tamp with shrt. Tight lid- tight lid.

(So, the Altgens photo is worst for the lone-nut cause; there's evidence of tampering with Doorman's shirt. Keep a tight lid on it.)

Lovelady- clearly not him

(A reference to Doorman most likely. What else?)

LO- Face... trace... buttons to be an issue... Tight lid- tight lid. 

(So, it's a reference to Lee Oswald. Was he referring to tracing the face? Buttons to be an issue? Well, Oswald's buttons were largely missing while Lovelady had all his. So, Oswald did not have his shirt sprawled open to look cool; his buttons were missing. It was not true of Lovelady.)

Shelley-Truly  Trouble quote. Reconcile? unclear scribbling. 
"Outside with Shelley". 

(That is obviously a reference to the Fritz notes saying "Out with Bill Shelley in front".)

160 first bang
225 both show signs
313 The snowball has melted. 

(The above is obviously all in reference to the Zapruder film. So it's saying that the first shot occurred at frame 160. It's saying that at frame 225 both Kennedy and Conally show signs of being shot, although it's not true. Connally doesn't react until 10 frames later, at 235. And then 313 is the fatal head shot, so the "snowball" is Kennedy's head and "melting" is a euphemism for being blown up.)

HGR acted dumb about the meaning of all of it. Nothing registered with him at all. Then he said this:

"Later that day, after I accidentally received the piece of scratch paper, Andersen came running into my room in a panic wondering if there was a piece of paper mixed up with the research papers he had marked. I lied and told him no. I walked by his classroom after school and saw him on his hands and knees looking under his desk and in his garbage can in an absolute panic. I had to chuckle to myself that I had something that he KNEW was very important. And now YOU have all the information on it. I hope some of it means something to you."

So, was it all a hoax? It's possible. But, if the notes were concocted, why bother to say "tight lid" twice? Why not just say it once?

In other words, if there were no notes, and you were just concocting it as a made-up story, why would anyone's mind go to saying it twice? And it happened twice, so that's 4x that the term "tight lid" was written.

I think there's truth to the notion that sometimes a thing can be too weird NOT to be true. 

For example, people disparage the idea of Oswald's bus and cab ride because who would walk several blocks in one direction, then get on a bus going in the opposite direction- from whence you came- then get off the bus in just 3 blocks, and then walk some more, and then take a cab.... who does that? Who travels like that? 

It's weird alright, but who would make up a story like that? When people make things up, they usually try to keep it simple. The less complicated the better. Why would DA Wade make up an odyssey for Oswald as wacky as that? 

So, what do you think? Are those the hand-written notes of the man we know as SV Anderson? 


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