Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Hmmm. This is interesting. SV Anderson refuses to disprove the claim that he's Scott Valenti Andersen, which he presumably could easily do just by posting some of the letter in which it was written.

And after I explained the conundrum of how he could have traveled to 3 states in 1 month, then 2 states in 2 months, and then also squeeze in a trip to Brazil- all in the time frame of several months DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR WHEN HE WAS TEACHING- he expects to leave it hanging.

Well, I know you teach History not Math, Scott, but when a person claims to do something that is mathematically impossible, it doesn't get them off the hook to say "my private life is private". Even in private, you can't do the mathematically impossible.

So, I got to tell you that your story has got leaks in it, Scott. Your credibility is fading fast. And there's more to come.

And you're not answering the question of why you addressed 4 letters to a wrong address and 2 letters to the right address. You figure "private is private" will get you off the hook on that too?

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