Saturday, June 28, 2014

Backes, stop the insanity! They interrogated Oswald at 3:15, and he told them that he rode the bus. So, why would they feel the need to reinforce that by drumming up a phony transfer ticket? There was no controversy. He said he rode the bus, and no one was disputing it. So, why would they have to seek PHONY physical evidence for HIS story when they didn't need it? Why take such a chance for NO reason?  

Or do you think he told them something different? Do you think that he told them that a friend picked him up in Dealey Plaza and drove him home? Well, if he said that then surely they would have demanded to know the name of this friend. And he would have told them. Right? How could he not? 

So, they would have had the name of this friend who picked him up in Dealey Plaza and drove him home and to the theater- and to the laundromat- if you believe that. 

Don't you think that before they launched a phony bus ride story, including a phony transfer ticket, that they would have followed up on what Oswald told them, including looking up this friend and interrogating him? Yet, by 4:05 pm, less than an hour after they first sat down with Oswald, they were filing the bus transfer ticket into evidence. 

I know that Richard Hooke thinks that Oswald DID tell them that he rode the bus.  Richard says that Oswald was ordered to lie. He does not tell us WHO told Oswald to lie or WHEN Oswald was told to lie or HOW it was possible for anyone to get to Oswald to tell him to lie. But somehow, that happened. 

Well, if it happened, IF OSWALD DID SAY THAT HE RODE THE BUS, then why would they feel any need to reinforce it with a phony transfer ticket? Are you following me? If there was no dispute with Oswald about it, if they were accepting what he was saying about it, why would they take action to bolster it? If they weren't disputing it, then nobody was disputing it, in which case there was no need to prove it. There was no need to take it to a higher level. 


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